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Just have to show my Ron Smith Galaxie 14 attached to a scaffold pole strapped to the chimney (the first pole bent). The lower FM aerial with pieces missing is for next door, but I guess he does not get much benefit.

Not kept shiny like yours, but it went up in the 1980’s…


Inside my airing cupboard :grin:

When i eventually get around to acquiring a tuner…
my Galaxie 14 will go up in the loaf in very much the same way as Mike-B’s



I expect you can converse with ET with that thing!

‘fraid not Nigel, ET is very sub technophobe and unable to exchange logical thought processes.
The Vulcan humanoids are fun to chat to, but most of my time is spent with the Zeelee.


Top build quality, lasts a lifetime. The most accurate and beguiling reproduction of the human voice imaginable.


It’s faulty. The organs are a mirror image of where they should be. Send it back. :crazy_face:


Well spotted. It’s actually a super special limited edition, the only one which has successfully been grown and has no impact on performance :upside_down_face:


Obviously a model depicting situs transversus- come on…!

Nice :sunglasses:


Situs inversus…can result in major problems, particularly when transitioning between intra and extra uterine circulations. But you are stuck with it.

Famously a surgeon once correctly diagnosed acute appendicitis in a patient with acute Left iliac fossa pain who also had dextracardia
This was preimaging days where clinical examination was a skilled art… but we digress…:rofl:

I did the same with a complex dextrocardia in a neonate…no real credit though, clinically it was very obvious. It’s the sort of thing that sticks in your memory for ever.

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George Smith special

Gregory House?

I’d have to kill you after :wink:

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How do you defuse it before blowing up the world?

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Its just a high precision bearing assembly from a medical instrument, Officer.

Is this the inside of the Statement volume knob? Where is the special grease? :upside_down_face:

Way smoother i’d say

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From a roller pump of some sort?