Show us your ATCs

Ocho - absolutely stunning house, room and location - nice, really nice and puts my humble abode to shame!! I’m not sure I want to post a pic of mine after seeing that!!


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I am thinking of selling my high end Naim system to pay for a house like that. :grinning:

An absolutely beautiful house with a stunning view. You must love it!


I could quite happily live there - a stunning house and location. How far is it to Seattle?

New stands courtesy of Basically Sound (lateral audio) looked at the SS6 and don’t think they really suited my room.

The new stands versus the cheap Amazon ones is pretty stark, really helped pull the system together.

I have to say the 11’s on the end of the little Atom is sounding very nice.



Lovely room (and system) there, Gary.

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Thanks James, the pictures don’t really show it but the room is round, 5m diameter with a high ceiling. It was an extension by the previous owner, made of clay lump and thatched so quite quirky.

Tried lots of systems in this room and none really sounded right -The Atom with ATC worked by far the best.



I thought the room looked curved. Very nice and a bit different :sunglasses:

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Really a beautiful room. And the Atom benefits greatly from a careful set-up like you have (with glass top - I think it’s from Solid sounds? ) and from good cabling. I also know the SS6 as very good, high quality (open frame) stands that support the sound well. But the look and integration into the room are a different issue. Enjoy your system!

Beautiful home! What a place to listen to music. :heart:

Quick question - do you find the NAP 250-2 has enough power to drive the SCM40’s?

north of seattle about 90 minutes in a car and an hour in a boat, or about 30 mins in seaplane. last piece of land ceded by the british to usa, about 100 years after revolutionary war, but brits retained all of vancouver island plus went on to produce naim and atc


Seems like enough power to me. I like volume when listening (we also have dance parties) and I’ve not gone past half power on the dial and it would be counterproductive to go much louder. I suspect having more power could bring out more detail but it sounds good to me and to quite a few others who’ve heard this system in the shop as well as in the home. Only issue / thing to manage for me is speaker location relative to the walls (get them out from the wall for sure) and also having so much glass, need to use blinds for best sound. That’s my experience anyway. If I were putting together another system based on what I know now, i’d do the same system. I would love to have the next step up atc speaker (the 50s) but they were way more money and I found this system probably was not ideal for powering them; I think they needed more, but happy for the 40s.

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If you choose active 50s instead you will be surprised. It’s the way to go in the future to be inline with the view)

Agreed. If I put another system together I will def consider active speakers. The other (obvious) issue with the 50s was aesthetic. Big shift from the more refined 40s, and I pushed the size about as far as could go w spouse. But the acoustic detail of the 50s … wow.

Choosing the tower version and right color will solve the problem. Visually they look slim


mmm…seems my ATC SCM speakers have grown when I was not looking…



ATC SCM 20 actives. Special edition
You see how the amp is connected to the speaker
Lots of power, clarity and detail.


ooh tell us more? as these by atc or a home brew?

Indeed. That’s an interesting looking speaker @Tesilk with the wider baffle and separate amp pack.

ATC - specially made for one client in Russia, to be hang on the wall.
I bought them as he didn’t use it finally.