Show us your ATCs

Yes I think so too… I will turn off at night and turn back on when I get back from work, unless it affects the sound!

I turn my 40As on about half an hour before a listening session and off when I retire for the night. That’s essentially in line with ATC’s recommendations and works fine for me. The amp packs do get quite warm if left on, so must be wasting quite a lot of electricity, and they warm up quickly when switched on.

I leave my pre/streamer powered up 24/7, though.


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I leave mine on 24/7 but sounds like I should revisit this …. Save the planet / cost of electricity etc.

Useful info thanks


If following Naim guidance class A/B amps shall be on 24/7 since this is better for the amp than continuous on/off. Might be that venting of ATC built in amps into speakers are worse exposing amp to more heat :man_shrugging:

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I think that’s it... the Naim amps heat very little at rest, the ATC the heatsink is really hot!

What do you do against the dust that sticks on the hp? Especially the medium! At first it goes but after a few years there must be a lot!

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Do you mean the midrange dome? If so, I don’t do anything. This is in accordance with the cleaning recommendations in the FAQs on ATC’s website.


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@PeakMan is correct. Also, you could play music loudly, which should shake off any dust. I have never noticed any dust on my SCM40 drive units even though I don’t play high volumes these days.

Ok I don’t touch anything then!

I replaced the original mains cables with Wireworld Stratus 7, nice improvement on all plans, Stereo image more airy, more dynamic but still beautiful stamps… and not very expensive!


Use also Stratus with all my amps and ATC. Works great

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Install a “Smart Plug”. That way you can turn them off by telling it to do so, or via your phone.


Not recommended. This was one of the first things I did back in 2019 when I got the 40A’s. I quickly noticed that the smart plugs I got, had a clear negative effect on the sound quality. Flatter, less dynamic sound than without the smart plugs. Similar effect you get when using power filters. I’ve always got the best results by using a high quality unfiltered power blocks (currently Furutech e-tp66e).


Wireworld Matrix 2 for me

Shame to hear that. I’m using a number around the house and not found an issue.

These are the ones I use.


I used this one for many years back in my Naim days. Good power block with great value.

I turn them off easily every night now, I know where the power button is.

We buy more or less expensive cables, it’s a shame to insert another socket with…

I replaced my RCA/xlr with Din/xlr and Mogami 2964 (The same as in Rca)… Indeed it’s better, the sound is more open, more airy. These ATC surprises me every day a little more!

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Will be ever better in 2 weeks

Recently bought some ATC SCM20 speakers in Pippy Oak and am really blown away by the sound quality. Really fast punchy bass with a lovely top end sparkle which I assume is due to the better tweeter than in the SCM19.

Having said that the SCM19s are a cracking bargain and superb offering 95% of the 20s performance. If only they came in an oak finish!

Sorry that there is no Naim in the photo my Nait XS2 is on duty in the bedroom system.


M’y 20s are in pippy oak also

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