Show us your ATCs

Correct, the later 40’s have the nice shaped cabinets where as early ones are rectangular and are a bit “ordinary” looking.

Worth looking at dealers too as they do pop up ex demo from time to time which is a safer way to buy as you get some dealer support.

In my room the actives were way superior to the passives (driven by 300dr) .

Great speaker and price wise it tells me other manufacturers are pricing in much higher margins making the ATC not only a great speaker but great value for money too!



Instead of switching the room, why not switch the speakers into in wall ATC ?

You should see my mess , my knee is a lot better but still a long way off


[quote=“Farthings-cat, post:992, topic:25140”]
Great speaker and price wise it tells me other manufacturers are pricing in much higher margins making the ATC not only a great speaker but great value for money too!

Not only that, I ordered my 40s nearly 2 years ago at £7400: they are now £7750- only approximately a 5% increase in 2 years. Makes you wonder… :thinking:


Yes, this is a request from the French importer in Oak and Walnut (see photos above), there are few models available.

Fwiw, I’ve had stand mount 7s and wall mount 7s. I think the wall mount 7s are better.

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Is the cherry version of the SCM40 grained or is the wood smooth?
I am contemplating on getting the cherry version second hand and have it repainted to another color. If the wood is smooth it shouldn’t be a problem but if there is wood grain then it’s not possible.

Get the cabinets wrapped then easily reversible and no grain issues


There’s not a deep grain on mine, but they’re not completely smooth, either.

If walnut had been available when I bought mine, I’d probably have gone for that, but TBH I don’t really understand the fuss about the cherry veneer. Whilst the honeycomb grilles are understandably controversial and I mostly leave them off, I find the lute shape, even in cherry, quite attractive. It’s probably a reflection on my lousy taste, but they’ve never attracted adverse comments on their appearance from visitors.



If I you see my modern interior in the “pics of the listening room” thread then you would agree that cherry is a no go there :wink:

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Do you turn your ATC off every day? ATC advise me to turn them off every night, he says that it is useless to let them on…

“The amplifiers are class AB and it is normal for them to be warm due to the bias current of the MOSFETs. I would recommend that you turn them off at the end of the day, there is no benefit to leaving them on.”

Unless I forget, I turn them off when I have done listening for the day.

It’s not practical with the switch behind…

I would prefer walnut for sure but the cherry looks ok…


And your room looks gorgeous. I imagine you could sit there all day enjoying the view and listening to music.

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Their cherry is much more beautiful than say Harbeth and others.

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…better than the Naim SL2 cherry :grin:

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Beautiful room and setup :+1:

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Is there no music sensing like you have with a sub?

No: they stay on unless the on/off button(s) are pressed.

I turn my 50ASL’s on in the afternoon when I get home and off for the night. I’ve asked about this from ATC and they recommended me to turn them off if not in use for 8+ hours. Many people seem to prefer leaving them on 24/7 but IMO this is just a waste of electricity and will wear the components in the amp packs more quickly also.

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