Show us your ATCs

Those podiums are very good, I use them with my 40’s.


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Me, after I elevated mines, I never had any regrets - they sound really much better

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I use both Titan EROS and Helios Signature cables on my system, they are great for devices needing high current such as amplifiers and reasonably priced when you consider what some cables cost. Made in Northern Ireland

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Posted earlier on latest gear thread……

Big palletised delivery today, 2 very big boxes and 1 not so big.

From this…

To ths….

Big, big change with lots to get used to over the coming weeks.

Daz :+1:t2:


The ATC’S are an exceptional product in my biased opinion…

I have replaced the supplied mains cables on my pair, and recently got some Audioquest XLR cables, both of which have produced improvements.

I’m certainly not suggesting you go down this route, but I have found the 40’s will respond to improvements in the source (Titan Helios and Atlas Mavros on my DVPS9000ES) and cabling as above (all of my purchases have been offers/used, so I have not blown huge amounts of cash).

Congratulations on your purchase!


Thanks for the comments, I’ll let everything settle in for a few months, then I’ll see where my tastes lead me.

I have some tidying up to do tomorrow. The ‘old’ system is still in place at the moment; I’m not looking forward to the dismantling!

But it all needs sprucing up and getting ready to move on.

Then with a bare room I’ll have a good few hours to listen and then tweak the speaker positions. I’ll start with the classic ATC advised equilateral triangle; has worked for all ATCs I’ve owned up to now.

Then I’ll get some photos up on the forum.



Whilst perhaps less sensitive to positioning than many ported speakers, I have found they do benefit from playing around with placement. In fact mine have ended up in completely different locations from where they started, though that’s partly a consequence of the room layout.

I hope you enjoy your new speakers. In my entirely biased opinion they are one of the great HiFi bargains around at the moment.



I like the look of the SCM40 (especially in white). Do these speakers perform well with any genres of music or are they better with particular ones?

You lucky chap! I like those scm12’s very nice condition.

Thanks. I really like them in white.

To answer your question; I think they are pretty neutral without being anodyne, so will respond well to what is being fed to them.

Speakers are a personal choice but I would recommend you take a listen at a dealer’s if you are interested. I will say that they do respond to a little volume: they really come alive at around 9:30 on my 52s volume knob. HTH.

Thank you mate. I do feel very privileged. I’ll miss my left kidney though when it’s sold to pay for everything.

The SCM12s are one of those hifi legends, IMO. Since their tweeter replacement, they have never sounded better. I am still truly amazed what they can do with a little supply of DC current.

All the kit will be moved on, but the 12s might well stay to be used for another room in the future.


I’d like to compare the 12’s with my 11’s … I reckon my Atc sia2-100 would work a treat!

I’d have to agree with the above comments on ATC (actives) and how they respond to cable changes.

ATC will say just use basic cables and the supplied ones with their actives are good enough etc.

I’ve found they do show any changes with cables, easily. I changed my I/C cable from my DAVE to preamp with a better Siltech one recently and the change was very, very obvious. It was not a massively more expensive Siltech either, a mid price one.

I’ll try with power cables next, my dealer wants to lend me a lower price point Siltech power cables first to try and see if the synergy is there.

Oh, and congrats on the active 40’s, as said above, a true hifi bargain for the performance given vs price.

That is so rare these days.


Which Audioquest XLR’s do you have and which power cables ?

Red River XLRCABLES and Titan Audio Helios mains cables. The Red Rivers are among Audioquest 's more affordable offerings…

ATC expressly aim for neutrality. I suspect it’s one reason why the pro range is widely used in studios. To my ears that makes them genre neutral and I find my active versions equally good for classical, jazz, folk and the limited amount of hard rock I listen to. Billy Woodman who founded the company and ran it until his recent death was an accomplished jazz pianist and set high goals for piano reproduction, which in turn mean their speakers are good for all types of music.

If you’re interested, I’d recommend a visit to their website to read a bit about their design philosophy followed by a visit to a dealer. Speaker choice is so personal, but the only thing I’d swap my 40s for would be active 50s.



Congratulations! I have mine for 2 months and I am delighted! I have a 272/xpsdr and I will try a SPL Director MK2 to compare… What is the finish? It looks like Pippy oak like mine…

First ATC’s. SCM7’s in a small near-field system, does sound good and at the moment the big system isn’t getting a look in!

Still unsure whether it’s grills on or off?


Grills Off .


Old system gone…….:pensive: (cleaned, boxed and ready to move on)

Well, nearly. I’m keeping the Innuos Zen Mk3 on server / Roon duties until the Nucleus One is released in the UK; Q3 2024 hopefully. Also, my Isoblu shelves will remain. They’ll keep the 222 tucked-away from every day life, just as they’ve done with all my kit going back to the early naughties.

The speakers have moved about a bit this evening, I’ve pushed them a little further apart than the original position of the SCM12s. This has widened the soundstage (obviously!) but also tightened up the position and focus of individual elements / instruments. They are fully toed-in to cross just behind my ears; I found I got a deeper stage this way. Getting the equilateral triangle centimetre perfect pays real dividends, it’s very much worth the time to get right. Point to note, they’ll stay off the spikes until everything is run in, they are super easy to slide on carpet to test and adjust.
