Show us your ATCs


Mine are cherry, to match / compliment the lounge furniture and carpet. I auditioned a few pre amp / dac combos, but the 222 kept up with the competition. The little unit that really amazed me with the 40a’s was the Uniti Atom HE; what a brilliant bit of kit.


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First ‘dibs’ on the SCM 12s!


I looked at the 40A’s but just cannot get them in to the room along with all our other clutter and make it all work which was a shame as they sounded epic attached to a NSC222/NPX300 combination. I also listened to them flat with no toe-in which worked really well.

Nice set-up :+1:


I had a pair of the Black ATC SCM7’s speakers and thought they looked great with the covers on. I did not like the look of them with the covers on with the cherry or satin white finish.

What ever you like should work…


All looking great Daz :+1:

Too late! I want them!


Looking good! My 40a’s only have a little toe in but that’s specific to my room which is only 3.3m wide.

I use Townshend podiums under mine, expensive but bloody good. Once all settled in you could consider using acoustic Giai’s underneath them.



My next priory will be getting some acoustic treatment on the front wall. GIK now do some living room friendly slatted panels which can tighten up the bass a little. I think all modern living rooms are a little boomy, a consequence of cheap stud walls and less dense plaster board.


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Go for the thickest panels if you want them to affect bass frequencies. I have two GIK Monsters on the wall and two Hofa tube bass traps (and some thinner acoustic panels) in my living room and they do help with reverb times.


Beautiful atc speakers there you are right they take time to setup the effort is worth it. They produce a very deep and wide soundstage mine took some time to setup but worth it. They are very good speakers for the money :wink::wink:

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I have joined the club. SCM11’s on AudioChic stands in my ‘office system’. Just an Atom and 250 CB feeding them.

I will move them around a bit to experiment a bit but already sounding pretty good. They were running in for a few days on the floor until the stands arrived.

I have a small REL sub I will probably add when they have broken in and I’ve got used to them. It is a fairly big but oddly shaped space

I have not tidied the cables yet, before you ask.


They look nice in white.

Re: “cabling”- my set up is getting near to giving @Tonym flashbacks :grinning:

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Thanks. I am not even unpacking the grilles, horrible things IMHO .


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Looks good Bruce, I too have an atom with scm11’s, great little speakers.
I may consider a rel sub too although no plans to add more power to the atom.



Very nice , love the stands !

I need to take some pictures once it’s up and running but over the last couple of months I’ve pulled together what is (for me) as close as I’m likely to get to a reference system. Almost all used.

ATC SCM7’s in black ash, under 12 months old.
Naim DAC V1
NAP 200.

The source is a bit over the top perhaps:
Sonos Port, coax digital into MUTEC MC3+ reclocked to AES3
MUTEC is itself hooked to a master clock, a modified (tungsten cube etc) Chinese 10MHz one, with a separate linear power supply.
AES3 from MUTEC into a dCS Purcell up sampler, also word clocked by the MUTEC
dCS into DAC V1 by BNC SPDIF.

Will need a sub, or a stereo pair (if the latter would have to be BK’s for affordability). Also thinking about whether MiniDSP Dirac immediately after the Port is worth it.

Pics in due course.


Still a work in progress. A pair of ATC SCM40 (passive) each driven by a NC 350. Complimentary pair of Rel 512s and preamplification by the 332/333 combo. Vinyl is a LP12/Ekos/SE withe the Naim TT phono stage.


You should move to 50s at least with your system.

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What a fabulous system
Thanks for sharing a photo


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Thanks! As I said this is a work in progress but I am very satisfied with the 40s.

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