Show us your ATCs

ATC active 100. (I do actually have a stereo pair😀)


Have you tried them with tweeter and mid on the inside? That’s how ATC recommends to place them but quite often I see people having them the other way around. Obviously they should be placed the way they sound the best.

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Hmm That’s an interesting thought. Certainly worth considering.

I put back the Mogami 2534 and in fact I prefer it to the Wireworld Eclipse 8… Even if the ww are a little better, they do not have the dynamics, the PRAT of Mogami, the Mogami are more alive, it’s the live sound!

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I have Mogami from day 1 with my ATC 50s. Just love it.

First test today. Very happy. Upsampler and clock not installed yet.


ATC SCM50ASL on home demo, not 100% convinced about match with room, maybe a bit too much, lovely speakers though.


Change the room, not the speaker!)


I Think ATC recommend the tweeters and the mid to be on the inside , this is obviously not an easy task but might be worth a try ? I went from 40’s to 50’s and they did take a bit of getting used to but in a very good way . Take your time and enjoy .


I’ll be trying active 20’s and 50’s at home work next week. I fear the 50’s will be the equivalent to the ugly sister trying on the shoe too as I suspect my room will be the limiting factor but I want to see just in case.

Had a listen to the active 20’s at Basically Sound today, the bass was very tight and tighter than my 40’s and they made an impressive but different presentation of sound.

Be interesting to see how they perform in my room.



Hi @Pete.T, yes you are correct, I had that discussion when the guys set them up, they were of the opinion they work better on the outside, I’m not so sure. They are dropping by next week to change them over, no way I can move them at 49kg, this is a downside for the future but they do sound sublime.

@glasnaim not related to this ATC thread, is your Chord Ensemble stand using the long or medium legs, cheers

I think there’s also a scenario where the tweeters are on the outside as well , probably room width dependant . I’m sure the installers know what they are doing but still might be worth trying.

I know all about the 49Kg … it reminds me of setting them up at first with the stands facing the wrong way around… certainly not a job for 1 person !

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It uses medium legs to allow the mscaler to fit below, I think it looks better with short legs but not enough clearance. Guess it may be a reworking if I go with the forthcoming Quartet scaler/power supply, not sure how the sizes will work out.

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Perfect thanks for confirming. I’ve spotted one for sale at Tom Tom, listed with long legs but height wise looks similar to yours.

Nice setup by the way :ok_hand:

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Yes room width/first reflection considerations, my room is not particularly wide at 3.3M and fires down long ways 5.2M, so I think moving them to the inside would be beneficial. As I said I’m not sure about the room, plenty of music to test it.
And my stands are round the wrong way.

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I demoed the 20A when I bought the 40A, I liked them a lot, probably the 3 way and price swayed me at the time.


My room isn’t much wider at 3.6m but quite a lot longer . I would try to bring them away from the side walls a little . Mine are 1.45m apart inside to inside so about 70cm from the side walls .

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They installed the speakers wrong way around and the stands are also the wrong way around. The horizontal bar should be on the backside. This obviously doesn’t affect the sound quality but looks better visually.

When you have the speakers so close to the side wall, I’d install them so that the tweeter and mid is on the inside (further away from the side wall). Good that they’re coming to do the change. Hope you can make them work in your space, 50ASL is an endgame speaker.


Also get rid of the Isoacoustic and get them to use the factory spikes.

I thought they sucked the life out of the 50A when I had them a few years ago.

Changed them to the spikes and they opened up more and had tighter more tuneful bass.

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