Show us your ATCs

I use the small 7’s with ‘white tac’ on Kan II stands in a second system (N50, P6).

Anyone know if spikes therefore would be better?

Prefer to ask first before trying and ‘stabbing’ them :joy:

I use blu tack and that’s what my dealer uses if that helps

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I have had these on demo (scm20ASLT) for the last week. I have to say they are very good and I preferred them to my current 40a’s

They give a different presentation to the 40’s but the detail and separation on the 20’s is superior to my ears in my room and they never boarded on too analytical.

Some pondering to do as I did try some 50’s not expecting them to work given room size but they did….



50s my friend, 50s …


Interesting times ahead Gary…. There is something special about the sl driver. How does the bass response compare?

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Nice to read you have since tried 20’s and 50’s.
So, will be interesting to follow your story…

Great feedback on the active 20 towers. As I too preferred them - compared to active 40’s - a few weeks back, when considering active options for our house.

I don’t really know ( technical considerations) how or why the two way active 20 towers are better compared to the three way active 40, but they are. That was my conclusion too.

Maybe one should expect that result, given the price differential ?

The bass response was maybe less low. ( Compared to others). But, with such control and precision present, can’t really say this would have been any issue, ( for me). I guess, in your case, you always have subs to cover that space if you wish anyway.

Just chatting…
Thanks for posting
Good luck


Better, tighter and cleaner Phil and the 20’s have some adjustment settings to tune to your room too. In my view an all round better speaker which is high praise as the 40’s are fabulous.

The price differential between the 40’s and 20’s is now tiny following price rise.

Busy time at work but when the nights draw in I’ll spend some time with the 50’s with a home demo but the 20’s are in the conversation.


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With ATC price rise on the 40’s there is only a few hundred in difference now and if I understood it correctly one could start passive and then move to active so cost could be managed over a period of time.

My daughter is off to Uni in September and my music room is below her bedroom so louder music can be played then!


Other people who compared the 20 and 40 preferred the 40 to the 20… it’s really a story of tastes and environment!

Gary has 2x REL subs. by the look of the pic.

So low bass really isn’t an issue, it’s the upper bass, mid and treble is what he is talking about I’d say - in comparison.

Gary: when you do the extended demo. of the 50’s, do try them without the REL’s as well - especially if the bass is too much.

They had exceptionally tight, deep and tuneful bass when I had a pair.

Staggeringly so for only a 9” bass driver.

Yes agree, it is a preference thing and I do wonder if size of room comes into play too.

From my limited time with 50’s in my new room my sense is they combine the strengths of the 20’s and 40’s and then adds some more….

I’m back with my 40’s and they are sounding mighty fine.

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Yes, I will definitely do that as in an ideal work (cost and visual impact) I would not have the subs but there is no doubt in my room they really add to the 40’s and there is good adjustment to tailor bass to room.

If they don’t add (much) to the 50’s that would be perfect!


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Sell REL subs and replace everything by 50s )

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Arrived today :heart_eyes: Ex-demo at only a mildly eye watering price. :joy:

Need to tidy and route new cables behind the wall. New stands might be needed as they are really heavy!

Atom seems to drive them fine. Happy member of the ATC club.


Welcome to the club!

New stands look like a good idea. I think ATC recommend high mass stands, but I recall @Simon-in-Suffolk experimented with various stands when he had SCM19s which are similar in size and mass. IIRC he ended up with lighter wooden stands. Might be worth searching for that thread.



I love the look of the 40s and I must be one of the few that loves the metal grilles but it’s such a shame that ATC does not make a light oak version.


try with grills on as that’s how they are designed to stop step refraction from the edge of the baffle, not sure how audible it is!


I’m also informed here that they look better with the grills on :sweat_smile:

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The active 20 towers I had on loan benefited from “grills on”

Re the 20’s here how well do they work with the Atom?


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I have them in pippy oak…