Show us your ATCs

Very jealous - they look fantastic in the oak finish

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I have no basis for comparison to a more powerful amplifier unfortunately.

I demoed a pair of scm11s with the atom, and I discuss with the dealer the power of the Atom as a concern, and they dismissed this mentioning current availability and a number of other factors that meant it would not be an issue.

Almost all ATCs have the same power rating, but I understand bigger boxes should be easier to drive.

Interesting, I set the max volume of the atom to 50%, which were previously driving Neat Iotas and B&W 685s…I was expecting with the ATCs to have to raise this limit to achieve the same volume level, but not at all.

I was thinking it might be necessary to invest in a Nova or external power amp, but for me I don’t see the necessity.

I am curious to test out the Marantz M1 with direct digital 100w amplification, sub cross over in DSP, but I think the Atom won’t be beaten from the €1k price point.

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Thanks for reply, I use an Atom with 11’s and they sounds mighty fine - it’s a great combo and the fact I got them used for c£2k makes it even better!

Yes it falls away at the highest volumes but in the room they are set up in I rarely go loud.

I am curious about 19’s and 20’s but the 11’a are so good I’ll likely stick and focus on my main system.

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I’m sure there would be benefits with more power, even at moderate listening levels. However I think there would be better value and performance switching to the active version of the speaker.

Absolutely beautiful. Did ATC stop making the oak ones then?

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I have used my SCM11s with Atom alone, Atom plus CB 250 and finally 250 plus REL TZero Mk III

The biggest increment in quality was with the 250 added. Everything sounds tighter, better defined and clearer. The sub is great, helps fill out lower frequencies and slightly warms the presentation but if you can add a nice old (serviced) 250 to your naked Atom you wont regret it.



How is the evaluation of the 20 and 50 actives going, reached a decision yet ? Unfortunately I felt the 50’s were too big for my room but lovely speakers, I’ve previously tried the 20 active towers, going to pop into dealers next week and have a listen to the 20 special editions, just curious.

This is a special order from the French importer, a special series.

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Those look lovely - what colour are they?

Can you share a picture of them with the grills on? :slight_smile:

They are Rosewood. They look a little more red in person, but still a very beautiful finish.

Picture with grills to follow.

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My dealer doesn’t stock 20A’s (yet) but ATC leant him a pair which he had for a limited period of time ergo I had them for a week but at the same time I wanted to try the 50’s so we popped them in for a short while and they sounded very good.

If I were buying now I would choose the 20’s over my 40’s but before getting to a decision I would want to live with the 50’s for a week to be confident they didn’t over power the room - they didnt in my limited time test.

In my old room the 40’s worked better than the 50’s but that was with no treatment and a very challenging room but as I said for the limited time I had I think the 50’s will be the answer.

Not planning to change until the Autumn so keeping an open mind but need to get it right given cost!


Thanks for the feedback, interesting that you would choose the 20’s over the 40’s, I’ve always been undecided on that one, perhaps time to give them another try.

I listened to them both back to back when buying mine (SCM 40s) and actually preferred the SCM 20s, but stand mounts were struck off for domestic harmony reasons.

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These are the tower versions - better separation of instruments on the 20’s v 40’s and a tighter sound.

Well worth revisiting and if the 50’s don’t work out the 20’s is where I’ll likely go.

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You’re lucky. They are stunning

Hi Gary, there have been threads on other forums comparing 40As with 20As and preferences seem to vary, but I think those were all conducted without subs in play. Am I right that you used your REL subs in your own comparison?

In my wilder moments I do wonder about the special edition active 20s plus matching C4 sub but ATC are not giving the combo away and I’d need some quality stands. My dealer is convinced that 50As would work in my room but I still wonder if they’d dominate it, visually if not aurally.

Please keep us informed of your progress, I’m following it with considerable interest.



The special editions plus matching sub is expensive, I’m going to check them out next week, must admit my dealer is not convinced it’s an easy transition from the 40As to the 20As, I guess you don’t need to use the matching sub ?

I take it that the SM 75-150 of the 40 is useless…

Thank you, they also exist in walnut…