Show us your cameras!

Look out for the R5 then. Won’t be cheap but it may be the right balance between my 5d iii and X-T3.

The R is a proper decent camera imo and unfairly maligned, at least since it had a strong firmware update. But it’s not as nice to use as a full on Canon dslr or a Fuji X series (though very little is as nice to use as a Fuji), so fingers crossed.

Richard, compared to the quality of the old manual, super smooth focus metal made Nikkors, modern plastic lenses are a joke.

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Yes my first was an AE1 program, which I got hold of as my dad had an A1 and a bag full of fd lenses🙂

I kinda knew I liked photography but was never enamoured with that camera though. Then I tried the Nikon which changed things for me completely, swapped the Canon out and never looked back. Still had a go with Canons of the day but never really got into them pre EOS times. The exception being the T90 which is pretty damn nice imo. And is also sat on my desk with the FE2 :wink:

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Having played with my brother-in-law’s 5D2 and 1DX, I prefer the lightness of the R. But it could do with a few more features, in particular I wish it had multiple instead of just one custom white balance.

One potentially useful feature the R has is true silent mode: not akin to mirror lock, when the shutter is audible, instead opening the physical shutter and applying an ‘electronic’ shutter instead. (Which reminds me I have never understood why some digital cameras give an audible simulated shutter sound or, worse, a simulated SLR mirror+shutter sound - and people don’t mute it even though they can! The only usefulness I can envisage is taking a self image with timer or remote control, alerting that it has taken.)

You mean one of these?

Complete with Vivitar Series 1, 70-210 f3.5.

(Note the NAPSC behind it. Maybe we need a new thread “Pics of your camera & Hifi”)


Ah, yes, I had the A-1 for a while with the (in)famous sticky mirror. Still, a great shooter.

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Haim, indeed they are. I have a basic kick about AF zoom and it feels like a cheap toy in comparison. It’s so wonderful that modern Nikon’s can still use these old lenses.

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Class Suzy.

Yep, the F- mount was a master stroke by Nikon and one of the reasons for the continuous customer loyalty through out the decades. Others are beginning to catch up.

Jamie, funny enough, Nikon just posted this idea, that needs supporting, of a Lego F3 on Facebook.


And is it produced in full working order…?

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Haim, if not already tried I think you’d like Fuji! :slightly_smiling_face:

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I hadn’t heard of that one.

I’ve had two A-1, the first was bought in ‘79, and the one in the photo must date from around ‘82 - after the first one was stolen.

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A little design inspiration methinks…image image image


Luck you. I had mine for about three weeks, sorted the mirror and also the fiddly battery door. Couldn’t live with it. Decide to stick with Nikon.

Don’t care about the weight with the adaptor,Innocent.I use it too on my Sony 7 RM III and let me use my old AF Minolta lenses:one side is A mount and the other one is E.Among these my favourite is my Minolta AF 200 2.8 G prime lens.

Perhaps the Nait of cameras…

My trusty old Olympus XA



My son’s other camera.



Ebay goes mad for those these days

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It’s a very good compact. Accurate metering / white balance and super sharp.