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I sold most of them. The more valuable ones went on Amazon or eBay and a load to went to Music Magpie. A few hundred went to the local hospice shop. Nowadays the hospice shop won’t even take them.


Thanks for the prompt reply, had a similar response from my local hospice shop, not interested.

I have no ripped music to try. Specification seems to indicate cd only.

Late model Karik / Numerik. Very easy to switch listening between this and the LP12 - something I might struggle to replicate with a streamer.


“2 box player”. Audiolab 6000CDT through ND5XS2. A big improvement in sound quality over my now unreliable CD5Si. So much more clarity and detail.


Here is my project cd box transport with the stream unlimited transport. I find it superb


that is one nice looking piece of kit.


maybe Alfa Romeo red ?

I actually have no idea… :slight_smile: The guy at the car body shop showed me the palette and I immediately chose that red. It’s a color I definitely love!

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Very close similarities to Naim in the way the disc is held

Karik Numerik was my pinup player in the 90s.

As a student, the most I could afford was the Mimik II which served me well for many years.

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I have CDS2 in Wimbledon in the big system, but here in Tassie a Core/ND5XS2 works fine. Strictly speaking that means that several hundred CDs were previously played (i.e. ripped) rather than being played in real time, but if I can’t hear any difference I don’t think that matters much. Any new CD will just get ripped asap.


I still have my Karik II, and a (now dead) Numerik…had a Mimik too.

I really must hook the Karik up and give it a whirl.

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The only thing I disliked about the Mimik was it had the same Sony mech as the Arcam Alpha One I had just upgraded from. I thought, WTF? 850 quid and I still have this natty Sony mech in the player? .

I had an Alpha 6+ also and that had a classy Phillips CDM series mech so I was a bit miffed. Mimik did sound good though.

The one and only:


And the mech is by the same company Naim use for its streaming boards, hmmm🤔


Ah, Naim’s best ever CD player. Memory fades, but if that puck has just a magnet and no rubber rings, you can leave it in the player for safe keeping.

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I had a Karik II from new back in the day, but stupidly sold it to a friend when I ‘upgraded’ to an Ikemi on the advice of my dealer who claimed it was easily better than a Karik / Numerik. Er no. Lesson learned- trust your own ears!

Fingers crossed my K/N keeps going for a few more years. Have a laser assembly at hand should that fail …


Get you, Mr Smug!

Arguably the best ever from anyone but if the right opportunity presented I would probably go for a CD555, that is until the NC CDS5 emerges :grinning: