Show us your LS3/5a’s

Hi Martin
Glad you are enjoying the VMV and are getting the most out of it. Those speakers are very frontally placed and towed in! I’ve never thought of doing that. Better imaging sound stage? I’ll give it a go…


Hi Michael!

Welcome to the forum.

I think it is a great little performer which gives a good taste of solid state Class A at a remarkably low price.

Just chatting to a friend who uses Avalon PM1 with, amongst other amps, an Audio Note Tonmeister; which outputs 8W. I am going to take the VMV to him for a play. I am NOT expecting it to threaten the AN in any way, but it should be fun.

I tried the speaker positioning after a suggestion from a friend. The idea is to try and cross the speaker just in front of your listening position. Let me know what you think.

I do like the Harbeth P3-ESR you own, and they very work well with Naim amps!

I bought the Grahams as I needed speakers that work well with valves and solid state.



Interesting books.

My LS3/5As sound simply awful in a bookshelf. On stands they are amazing!

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That’s not true in my experience. LS3/5 and 3/5a models may sound a bit better on the appropriate stands, but they sound amazing in a bookshelf too. They exhibit all the characteristics I’d expect them to. And yes, I’ve had them on stands in this room as well. I don’t feel I’m giving much up for a more visually integrated system.

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Indeed they are


Just by curiosity, did you finally sell you SN3….keeping only the nait 50 ?

Asking because your profile still mentionning Sn3 :wink:

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SN3 is out and the N50 is staying.

Thanks for the nod, I’ll update my profile. :+1:t2:


Stirling ls3/5a v2 signature edition in gloss black with my nait50


Very nice in “all black” :wink:

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