Show us your pets

Your cat looks very cheeky

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Zhukov erupting from the surf this afternoon.



Thought I would show you my new autumn coat.
There was a discussion.
I thought the first one had shrunk.
He said I was slow and had gotten fat.
We settled upon … my coat had become more,billowy,fluffy and soft.

The keen eyed will have seen the flashing light.
When out for the dark night tiddle trot impatient car drivers do not often see me at junctions. Not realising we are a caravan and I am the slow camel at the back. This draws me to their attention.

Picture shows how his back end is dropping. Getting on to the path with steep kerbs now requires a bit of help. But he still wants to do it.



Bless him and bless you for thinking of him…


Another nice doggie. An older but a goodie. I’m sure he’s been a good companion.

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It’s getting quite cool up here in the mountains … snow flurries forecast for the end of the week. Mo has found himself a warm spot he rather likes …


Our two Burmese have already retreated to upstairs……where it’s warmer.

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Mo wasn’t sure what the 2 platforms I’d affixed to the wall were all about … he sat patiently as I screwed the steps into the wall and as I tightened up the last screw the penny dropped and he climbed the stairway to heaven. No hesitation …

Pretty soon Meg came to see what the fuss was about …

Mo made his choice of which bed he wants …

And harmony is restored to the house …

Of course we spoil them, they’re cats … it’s what we cat owners do. Not quite sure what we’ll do when it’s time to go to the vet or we have to give them a pill. Cross that bridge when we come to it …


You made a common mistake. You called yourself a cat owner. You are, in fact, a cat slave.
You’re welcome.


It’s a well known fact that cats don’t have owners … … … they have staff.


Volunteers … totally unpaid


Badger seeking out the crock of gold …


Oh dear. I thought I had got him out of this habit…


All you do is tell him he must sit up there. Problem solved.

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I was sweeping leaves down the side of the house this morning blissfully unaware that i was being watched by a young white and ginger cat just above my head on the roof of the extension. It jumped down to play with the broom…….frightened the living daylights out of me. It seemed to have a good time and scampered off. Mental note made to check for him next time.

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He isn’t that predictable! When he was little it was merely annoying, but as he weighs 6.5 kg now, the whole thing wobbles, which means I am going to have to adjust the spikes again!

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Ruby has almost fully recovered from her September knee surgery, thank goodness. I caught a bit of her singing to Mazzy Star on this calm Saturday morning.


Diesel has been struggling to walk the last few days and woke this morning unable to use his front legs. After a long discussion with our vet we realised it was time to let him go. Mrs Pete and I are heartbroken. He loved his family and will be missed by us all. For me he’s the second mate I’ve lost this year.


Sorry to hear this news Peter.


So sorry to hear about this heart breaking news Peter. Rest In Peace Diesel Take care on your way & remember we never stop playing. :dog2: :guide_dog: :service_dog: