Show us your pets

We have had a hog feeding box (Ark Wildlife’s finest HH food!) for many years, holes in the fences, etc, and have been blessed with a steady stream of hogs & hoglets.

There have, however, been a number of “unauthorised intruder in the noms area” incidents: foxes, magpies, crows, and the latest villain:


Pixies’s suppertime with “unauthorised Cora” coming in from the left!
Pixie was very tolerant!
(Zebedee used to do the same thing, and got to realise that if he “shoulder barged” the lid as it started to close then he could hack the system!). That’s Burmese for ya!


Disa looking very pleased with the arrival of two new deluxe cat scratching posts


Princess Bao relaxing on the sofa:

Wishing everyone a lovely evening/day :relaxed:


Prince Pumpkin likes to sleep on my lap: here he is in the palm of my hand incapacitacting me for the next hour or so (my legs are suffering from oxygen starvation):

Wishing everyone a lovely day/evening :relaxed:


The great thing about cats is they will only rest like that when they feel comfortable .

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And also to you and all at Chez Satori

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It’s a shame this thread doesn’t come with a soundtrack :grinning:


Lyra, also snoozing!


I would post a an evening pic of Cora………but she doesn’t stay still for long enough :laughing:

That’s kittens for ya!


Indeed! Lyra is 18 months old but compare to our last cat (15 years old) it feels like we have a kitten. She is in an exploring outside phase at the moment so we don’t see her too much. Thinking of renaming her Houdini because she managed to Escape last night despite the windows being shut and the cat flap set to in only. It transpires she can grab the cat flap with her claws and pull in inward white contorting her body to get her head under the flap and out!

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It’s been a long and bouncy day, Dad and Mum:

maybe I need a snooze:


“and the peace reigneth throughout the earth!”


Met another local this morning this one apparently has been on the run all night. He’s owner is on their way to pick him up.


:grinning::grinning:. He is looking soooh happy with himself !

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Sarg (his name) was so friendly but he apparently has a habit of going for a walk.


Separated Barking Loudspeakers.


Happy to be home x 2


Those are very happy eyes

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Feeling a little sad. This little (assumed) stray had been a regular in our garden for over 10 weeks:

Incredibly anxious and timid, always looking behind her but as she seemed to be sleeping on a pile of wood each night we started feeding her.

We were away for a week after Easter and the cat had to fend for itself.

When we returned it was a different animal and so affectionate but would not come indoors.

Last Friday Mrs AC asked me to give it a breakfast feed before taking the kids to school but the cat was nowhere to be seen, at least not where it would normally be.

Later that morning I found it wedged between some flower pots at the bottom of the garden. It clearly had difficulties walking, did not respond as normal and had its eyes shut.

Took it to the local emergency veterinary hospital, turns out it was chipped but owners could not be contacted.

I assume it had a catastrophic neurological event or injury and last I heard (and as suspected) it was not doing well. I suspect it has been put to sleep but have not had confirmation, and don’t really want to ring.

It may have been an older cat, but it had finally started to trust us as a family and it’s such bad luck for it to have become so unwell so suddenly. :worried:


So sad. I wonder if it had been hit by a car. At least you gave him/her some affection.

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