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Beginning to think Lyra is a little too friendly for her own good! We back onto the local cemetery and one of my wife’s carers alerted us to a post on Facebook with a picture of her. The poster was worried she was a stray because she came out of the bushes covered in twigs! She was also meowing for attention. Since then we have got her a collar (the cat not the idiot on Facebook) and I got a call from a chap a few days ago saying I have your cat, she is in the cemetery. The guy kindly dropped the cat back to our house!

Then the other day she came in with a scar on her nose, clearly tried to make friends with the wrong animal! She is a worry!


I think she has become territorial in the cemetery . The good news is that you back on to the cemetery , so there are no roads to cross .


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So happy and beautiful pics. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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So relaxed. I am so jealous. Love the stretched leg. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


With the current heatwave here in the Southeast of England, I decided to take Louby-Lou for an early morning swim down at Rye Harbour. She just loves swimming and playing in the sea.




She certainly looks like she’s enjoying it. Hope you’re also enjoying the sun.


My brothers beautiful rescue greyhound was attacked by 2 Rottweilers this morning, the injuries were so bad they couldn’t save her. Why on earth you’d let 2 dogs like that out on there own puzzles me. My brother also bitten and as others called the police it seems the 2 dogs will also now face an uncertain future.


That is just terrible. Sorry to hear that. Glad the police are involved.

My wife and daughter a few weeks back were out walking one evening on ministry of defence land, some of which is rented out to farmers. As they walked along they were over taken by 2 irish wolf hounds which sprinted into a field of sheep and attacked them. They bravely tried to fend the dogs off, and 10 minutes later the owner arrived with another wolfhound. He could not control them and as he left the field with them on the leads, they escaped again. He eventually left with the dogs and said the sheep would be OK.
They called for assistance…….dispatchers not interested! We eventually found the farmer next day, a vet was called out and two sheep were put down. Luckily my wife and daughter took pictures of the dogs and the man and sent to them on to the farmer. His flock were terrified so he took them back to the farm, a costly business for him. Apparently the dogs and owner are known to the police…….they are investigating. Again why let dogs that were bred for taking down large animals off the lead?


@Gazza you know I’m a big dog fan but it really pisses off that some people just don’t take responsibility or control of the animals. We have a moto in our family if you’re not prepared to take care and responsibility don’t get a dog (or cat for that matter). These 2 dogs could have easily attacked a child as well, now they’re more than likely to be put down and really it’s the owners fault.


Yes it is the owners fault. But there is a mentality among some dog owners that they can do no wrong and that everyone does or should love dogs…….some people are very scared of some animals including dogs.

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What a nightmare. So sorry to hear this.

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I know it comes down to people controlling their dogs and respecting that some mightn’t be as comfortable as others.

Earlier we were at a pet shop this morning and they had a new litter of floppy eared rabbits that made me think of you. :grin:


Thankyou………he is sitting under my legs and licking them……our morning grooming ritual😁

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Poor Pluto is back in the vet this morning with complications from the neutering last week, his scrotum has swollen alarmingly and he’s been on antibiotics for the past few days, most likely will have to have more surgery. He’s so uncomfortable and in such obvious pain, I’m really regretting going ahead with it now, there was really no need and now we’ve put him through hell. Moral of the story is trust your instincts. Hopefully it’ll sort itself out but it’s been a tough week.


Hope the antibiotics do the trick🤞🏽

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Hope he’s ok, I’ve not heard of any complications but I’m sure it happens.

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Hope he gets better soon

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So sorry to hear this tragic news.

Particularly as last week my dog drew blood with another dog. Both were on leash and in the bar of my local. It was unprovoked, but in mitigation and not an excuse, my dog was under the weather. I paid the vet bill - lesson learnt.

I was mortified and my dog is now on a restricted social regimen.