Show us your pets

That has managed to domestic humans so successfully that we invented central heating to keep their furry little bellies warm in winter and aircon so they don’t overheat in summer.


Now we know as to why core inflation is so high… :flushed: :scream:

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Fergus (Glen Of Imaal Terrier)rocks out on his 14th birthday!


This is the newest bit of kit in my household. Not hi-fi but for a couple of small furry hooligans I am sure it will be very popular once they are taught how to use it. Excuse the tatty paintwork, the room hasn’t been redecorated yet.

They are still very skittish from the noise and strange human beings in the house whilst it was installed were off their food for about 12 hours.

Maybe we need a thread for our pet-related kit? I am beginning to wonder how much it is possible to spend on kitten/cat bits. Wondering if buying more Naim kit could be cheaper?


We’ve been using microchip controlled cat flaps for years, they are great for keeping unwanted visitors out. Also useful for keeping your own cats in if required.

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Not tried Sure’s catflaps yet, but we do use their feeders & water fountains. All wirelessly connected to a “hub” and thence to the internet (monitoring is by webpage on PC and Apps for iOS & Android).

We originally bought them because Zebedee needed a medical diet, separate from the other cats, and currently the three cats are all on different diets (Pixie on “senior”, Coralee on “adult” & Jasmine on “kitten”. Does it make a difference? Who knows…)

They work well…most of the time. However Zebby, and these days Coralee, quickly learned how to break in and steal the others’ food. That’s Burmese for ya!


Make sure the batteries are always fresh. Especially just before you go on holiday!!


If you factor in any emergency medical costs I’m sure you could get to the justification :smiley:

In our last house, I installed a really cool electronic sliding doggy door that was activated by magnets on our dogs collars - I believe it was some kind of induction field effect that made it work. No batteries to worry about and it all seemed very SciFi to guests!

Not if you have a Mau. We have tried locking in 3 different Mau’s over the last 5 years (2 Egyptians & 1 Arabian). It has cost us 3 Catflaps.
We shut one in a room when it first arrived as they say acclimatise a new rescue for 72 hours before integrating them into the family. Our Ginger Egyptian Mau went and opened the door and let him out and then led him out to the garden🤷🏻‍♂️


Our first flap was mains powered, so not a problem. In a power cut it would stay open.
We now have a battery powered one, and it seems to last pretty well given that it’s in an unheated porch. There’s a low battery warning light that gives you plenty of notice if they need changing, but yes, I sometimes put fresh ones in if we are away in Winter just to be on the safe side.

A friend’s cat had this cat flap. It worked great for ages, then the batteries started to last no time at all, so she left me extra batteries when I was feeding him whilst she was away. She was unsure why this was happening and was thinking of replacing it once she got back from holiday. A couple of times when I went around to feed him he was sat by the door and you could hear the catch opening and closing repeatedly. I let her know what was happening and she mentioned that sometimes a cat he was friendly with would get into the house. Putting 2 and 2 together, we worked out he was sitting by the door so his friend could come in. She programmed the visiting cat’s chip in and the batteries lasted the normal length of time. My friend’s cat would also visit the other cat’s home.


That’s a lovely story!

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bloody clever are cats

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Well after 10 minutes of bed time hunt and destroy dad’s big toe under the duvet I thought there are more things for a young lady to be doing on a Friday night than sleeping with old snoorey…… so out through the bathroom light and off into the night.

Back about 7am quick breakfast and a morning of recovery.
Can’t say too much but Bert over the Avenue is apparently equally tired.



Very Fluffy! :blush:

“I smell cheese”



Zebedee was very fond of cheese, and Freckles (“brown tortie”), would steal pizza slices from the table.

She was also fond of “Jamaican Jerk Chicken”! :laughing: