Show us your pets

One of the petite panthers has decided to help me with classifying my record collection into categories.
I am hoping two teeth holes into a chewed corner of a record sleeve is a sign of approval as I rather like the LP. I suspect the helpful one giving their opinion is Sakli but who knows, it could have been Latika. I won’t be leaving an album out again.


Today I’m playing records for Coco, who has stolen my seat. She is currently enjoying some Hatfield and the North.

Her slightly brown colouring is because she has been rolling in the dusty soil in the garden.


That reminds me of our Poppy:


The physio told dearly be loved to cut down on television.
Jett agrees


Shouldn’t surprise anyone just low some can go. This stories got people in 2 states out in cars trying find the prick and rescue the dog.


Thankfully a happy ending


We had to take one of our cats to an specialist eye vet a few months ago and while chatting to one of the vets about eye drops, I mentioned that I had had both cataracts done on the same occasion (so “know” about eye drops). She said they always do both eyes at the same time when they treat bilateral cataracts in animals.

So, although likely very expensive, it would probably be possible for them to get that poor dog’s cataracts treated. But if they had done that, then no-one would have taken a special interest and that dog would still probably be lost. Weird world. Nice looking dog though!

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Might be something else going on as the family don’t look like they’re battlers and I’m sure they could afford to get the dog proper treatment. Australian Shepherds are gorgeous dogs friends of ours have one they have a great temperament. Glad he’s home though.

This morning’s walk before it got too hot and my brother’s dogs arrived.


My daughters cat, Molly, on her birthday.


Only the most skilled of felines would spot that there’s actually a comfortable roosting spot there, between the boxed sets, atop the replacement DBL foam, Dryrobe and airsoft gun.



I would speak to the vet about her left ear, it look a little deformed :rofl:

Habib loves Puccini it seems…


Thinking about an old friend. This is Diva, a boxer cross rescue. Despite the horrendous treatment she had received, which included being locked in an abandoned pub for two weeks with no food, she was the gentlest girl, adored children and was adored in her turn. Much missed.


We’ve adopted multiple dogs from horrendous situations over the years, from a pair of adult Border Collies rescued from a puppy mill (one with a broken rear leg that was never set) to our current Boomerang who has broken teeth, scars and is full of buckshot from god knows what.

Without exception they’re been the sweetest dogs who just seem to be incredibly happy to be living a good life.


That’s funny, I like

It’s the new cat’s cahoots!

Edda takes up residency during this afternoons thunderstorm :cloud_with_lightning_and_rain:


Listening to the latest Keith Jarrett (C.P.E. Bach) release:

Switching to the new Nita Strauss record (which is quite dispensable):


Mrs Houdini had a cardiac incident , prognosis not good .

Very upset

Oh no!
I am so sorry to hear that😢