Show us your pets

It’s hard to lose them I hope he was with you for a long time.

Oh I am so sorry, it really does hurt

best wishes at this time


Thanks everyone for the condolences.

Maxwell will always be with me.

Below was his first day home.


Let’s get home so I can rub this lot off on the settee.

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Boomerang getting laser treatment on a damaged tendon - the protective glasses make him feel like a celebrity, a certain Joe Cool perhaps!


The kittens on supervised first outdoor time. They seemed to get into exploring the “tatty and needs to be replaced” decking by the conservatory. I am unsure who was the more nervous them or me. The next step is getting them to use the cat flap after some more supervised garden excursions.


Good luck

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“Any more chips going spare up there?”



A pensive Bollino resting at the sunset


Zhukov admiring the view from (near) the top of Errigal in Donegal.

The summit, about 20m higher, was still shrouded in cloud.



It’s one of the most nervous times Paul. I expect it will be fine, but I understand your concern only too well.

We had a rescue cat once, maybe five years old. He had been re-homed by someone but didn’t get on with their existing cat and lived entirely (apparently) in her greenhouse for 6 months. After a negotiation he came to live with us and our existing pussies but spent the first two days under the wardrobe in the spare bedroom. Gradually he got more confident and relaxed. But we couldn’t let him out yet because before we were ready, he had to wear a cone while something or other healed (I forget what now). Anyway we came down one morning to find that he had broken through into the rest of the house where our other cats were temporarily restricted at night. And then gone out of the cat flap to the big beyond of which he knew nothing.

My wife and I were just debating how we could break the news to his former owner when suddenly he came in with a happy mew and went to look for the food bowl. His cone was still there but covered in mud and askew. Anyway that was that, we didn’t worry again (except when he was late showing up obviously, which happened about once a week for the next seven or so years, until a cancer got him ultimately).


Sorry to hear your sad news. Take care.

Skye wanting a treat for sitting nicely.


Here is the new addition to our Feline family.
I picked him up from the rehoming people in North London at lunch time, but he originated in Dubai where he was rescued along with several siblings when they were abandoned by their mother (we are not thinking about why🫣)
12 weeks old and very friendly and loves cuddles.
We have had a good explore, had food and found the litter tray.
We are still considering a name, but his ability at just 12 weeks, to jump onto a double divan from 2 feet away has me thinking Kal-el😂


Thats quite a journey, hope he did not use up any of his nine lives🙏

I think he may have lost 1 or 2 before being rescued…:grimacing:

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They were out just before lunch and exploring the garden, different sides and I lost sight of them. I wasn’t worried as they had always come back in for food before as I have always let them out before meals. Of course, this time, having ventured further they didn’t and I kept seeing them now and again. Then it started raining. Sakli came in immediately. Latika obviously found somewhere to shelter from the rain, then I assume did some more exploring after the rain stopped staying out for 40 minutes after it passed. Strolled in nonchalantly, ate lunch and went to sleep and is still snoozing.


That is just the sort of thing that happens to us. Our two (who are 2 years old now) but still known as “the kittens” do what they feel like doing. One likes to sleep on the table in a neighbour’s garden because it’s in the sun but not in the rain. Trouble is it’s across the road from us and up a bit, and if you call him, he often comes from her garden and takes a direct route to our house which means he’s in the road the whole time. On the other hand they do come when you call them, often quite quickly.

Anyway our 11 year old doesn’t go far, so you’ve only got 10 years of worrying before they will mostly stick to home!

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Poor Lola, she has to wear this headgear (a no flap ear wrap) due to so many ear tip injures running into gorse bushes after bunnies. Cooling off today after a mad dash. Thankfully she doesn’t have to wear it on every walk.