Show us your pets

I think you should do a poll on here, let us decide :rofl:

(My vote is for the poor little one hiding in the shadows!


My long experience of acquiring kittens is that getting two at the same time is by far the best strategy and what they would themselves choose if they could be consulted. (I am not joking.)


I absolutely agree with that. Singles are never as happy early on as siblings.


I would be for it in a heartbeat. But leaving one behind alone? And I think the stress for our two would be too high.


What are their names?

I have no idea. But it is more or less an emergency, so we are very happy to help.

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Surely you have to take all 3?!? They look a bit young to be leaving mum, is this an early pic?


Lucky tries to hide a straw under the speakers again. :see_no_evil:


Absolutely, time to become a mad cat man,

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Getting three at once is a bit of a stretch, although I would be up for it personally (but never have been tested). If you leave two behind, probably they will end up as three singletons. But if you take two then they can support each other. They would play together, sleep together, fight over food together, choose their relationship with you (which is unlikely to be exactly the same, so you could have chosen the “wrong one”) and so on. They would vanish together in the garden and when one comes home you can ask “where is your brother?”.

My daughter was getting one rag doll kitten a few years ago and I was very supportive of the idea that she should also take the shy one that would be left behind. She told me later that he was the best most loving cat she had ever had (I also love him myself). He is still shy but he knows who he likes (basically her and me).


If there’s a poll then the one on the left gets Mrs Willy’s vote.


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As I said, an emergency, we can at least save one from the animal shelter. But yes, we will check if we still have possibilities (e.g. son number one - (c) Charlie Chan - takes one or two).

We would then have five cats, which is quite a lot… :scream_cat:

I have no details, only pledged our help. :heart_eyes_cat:

It is, but we have often had four, so it’s only a bit more than that. It’s also a matter of how old they are. We have a few times lost one cat unexpectedly to disease and once you get to only two cats, it all feels rather insecure.

Anyway good luck with the decision.

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We will think about it. Seriously. :+1:

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Bet someone on here will have the third if you don’t…

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You can fit them all in :smiley_cat: :smiley_cat: :smiley_cat:

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All three have found good homes. This kitten will come to us. But it will be in the middle of November, when it is about 12 weeks old.


So sweet😊
Gender & name, or perhaps you are looking to the community for help with that…?:wink:

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