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Ian, You need to offer a home to a new kitty!

He/she could never be ”Mrs.H” (in the same way that we could never really replace Zebedee or Suzy Wong….or Sukie, Sasha, Mabs or Freckles….), but you could share much love.

Taken just now - as Mr Packham might say “This is what we pay the licence fee for!”**

**although that may not include the exceptionally smelly poo that Pixie has just produced!!! :laughing: :laughing:


Sorry I was late I meet a dog this morning


You’ve taken that comment from Facebook :crazy_face:

No I don’t use facebook I took it from my tee shirt.

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Yes, I totally agree with that statement, but I have a house and garden that are becoming too big for me, leaving this house would be the biggest mistake of my life, staying here for too long would be the second biggest mistake of my life.

Cats should have access to the open, and the cost of single storey bungalow is outside my budget without moving to a place I do not know anybody.

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Tilly - comfy position no. 23


Overnight sleeping position. Its rare for Tilly to use the dog shelf.



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Our jungle cat


You do realise I am waiting for your guidance.

Same position as you. Shall I go. Shall I stay. Will I be able to look after myself next year? Or will I need some help.
Flat is ok as long as your neighbor isn’t deaf and has an addiction to day time tv or even worse plays music you don’t like on an overly loud Naim system at night.

My traditional ‘right’to a bungalow was eroded some time ago by ‘incomers’ and their metropolitan idea of value for money.

Joys of the elderly…. I do have help from afar but mostly of the daughterly don’t do that,I told you it would happen, leave it I will be down before the August Bank holiday.

But I still enjoy every single minute of it. Especially when the young Brigit Bardot nestles in to my dreams.

Well that’s my 10 minutes rest over. Where did I leave the polish and duster?


My plan is for a headphone amp and matching CD player for evening listening .

The big issue is that I live in an isolated country village with no buses and (miraculously) one village shop , I want a cat very much , but I want to be fair to it and not have it for a couple of years and then keep it cooped up

Just a degree of uncertainty …


I think that is a real dilemma. We live in a fairly isolated country location and don’t have any access to dog sitters. We now do not go far together as we won’t leave Harvey on his own for too long. We are also aware that one day too soon we may need to move to smaller premises. I think when Harvey goes we will not have a pet for the first time since a child. We will then think about taking an apartment by the coast and travelling a little before a later final move to be near relatives where we can be a burden for our last few years. :rofl:

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You would definitely be able to find a lovely old cat that is used to being only indoors and is desperately in need of someone to love him/her.


I agree with David, and I’d suggest having a look at the Cinnamon Trust. They specialise in pet issues that older people experience and are always looking for volunteers for fostering. There’s plenty of info on their website and it might give you a few more ideas and remove a bit oof uncertainty. Best of luck.


I’m available to pet sit.:grin:


Fergus on route to Chatley Heath semaphore tower, now in his 15 th year the walks are shorter and slower but this walk was particularly slow. So much so that I almost cut it short, but we plodded on and he got a second wind and we made it. He loves the cold weather and really comes alive on a frosty morning, struggles badly in the summer, we take each day at a time winter or summer.


this is my scary German shepherd!


I tried so hard to steal this pup, I even offered them cash. :grin:


Hopefully only say 12 months away before one is yours Pete

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Hopefully less, how gorgeous was he. Only 9 weeks old his ears are up and almost house trained.

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