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Pierre taking in a few winter rays


He likes his new bed, but…


A handsome boy!

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Yeah, when you gotta snooze, you gotta snooze. Don care where.

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He only manages about 22 hrs sleep per day. Rico is a bit of an old boy now. We re-homed him 5 years ago, he has a comfortable retirement.



His owner was a vet and splitting from her partner and went back to Eastern Europe. So needing a new home we took him on. He is a gentle soul and a bit nutty.


Ah, my apologies. I misread that as you’d rehomed him out , not in!

Four of our nine have been rehomes (in), including the infamous Suzy Wong!


My little girl pip she’s 8 years old tomorrow ,one fantastic little dog and full of love .


We just had a big scare with our Maine Coon, Theo. My wife brought lilies into the home and didn’t realize they are deadly to cats. He spent 3 days in the pet hospital getting IV fluids pumped thru him. They said he suffered minor kind ey damage but should heal on its own. Luckily my son noticed yellow pollen on his mouth and nose and we rushed him to the vet right away. There were 4 others cats getting treated for the same thing. Said happens all the time especially around Valentine’s Day.


Thats a good post……did not know that👍


Great pics - she looks like a sweetheart.

Wow, scary stuff and well done to your son for spotting it!

I think you should get him checked out, mine only sleeps once a day, mind you it does last 20 hours :wink:

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I’m surprised that more people aren’t aware of this. Sue has been sent flowers at various times; lilies are very common in those bunches. Obviously we could not keep them in the house; our elderly neighbour has been very appreciative of fresh flowers :laughing:

Battersea have some useful advice below (replace dot with .)

And for doggies:


You can snip the stamens out.
This has the added effect of muting the intense aroma they give off.
We won’t have them here for both those reasons, but snipping them is a compromise for those who want to keep having them.

This is the look that is masking love with ‘ffs’.

But a much needed wash and a brush up after a few weeks in the doggie hotel.

And he’s asleep on me now, so I’m forgiven.


I haven’t mentioned this in the forum as it could reveal an unguarded Naim installation available for what my old mum used to call “right rogues” to break in and do what they do. But now we are home again.

Here is me with Tyson, our friends’s boxer, with whom we have just spent a week in Hout Bay near Cape Town. They were there too of course! When we left there yesterday, it was a slightly too hot 34 deg. When we landed at Heathrow this morning, it was a more familiar 7 deg!

Tyson likes to have his chest scratched and this is his favourite way of asking for it.


You look happy David and looking well👍

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Sold a spare item of hi-fi, only to discover that the buyer also lives in NI. Now I could have posted it but where’s the fun in that! Delivered it up to the North Coast and then went on for a couple of hours at Downhill forest and Mussenden Demesne. Here’s a selection of Zhukov modelling some rather scenic countryside.

The coastal railway here was described by Michael Palin as “One of the most beautiful in the world”.

And finally, wondering why his two legged laggard is taking so long to get up a hill.

If you get the chance it’s well worth a visit though I’d recommend selecting a time of year when the going isn’t quite so “soft”
