Show us your pets

It’s tough but I’m sure you gave her a wonderful life. I sorry for your loss, take care.


Sorry for your loss @Richard.Miller

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So sad for you all

Best wishes


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Ah, Richard. It breaks my heart every time we get a thread like this. Having been through the loss of 2 generations of cats in my time I feel your pain.

All the best

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So sad … sorry for your loss. Remember the good times.

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Thanks @Pete_the_painter @IainW @Ian2001 @Ryder35 @Camphuw much appreciated

This is the fourth in about 50 years, doesn’t get any easier though!


Was sent this morning


How close are you to a new cattle dog?


Best wishes


Just waiting to hear back should have one by late spring fingers crossed.


Star, now with name changed to Cookie Monster as she eats all the cats biscuits no matter who’s they are, more relaxed and settled in now


After a few anxious days, I found the lovely Sakli. He escaped from his cat basket in the vet’s car park after his vaccination. The vet is about a mile from home. After lots of postering and searching between home and the vet practice for 72 hours or so I finally found him. Put him into the cat carrier and he escaped before I could close the door. Waited for him to calm down him to let me fuss him. This time I picked him up by the scruff of the neck, turned the carrier so I could lower him into it and hurriedly shut the door. Despite being pleased to see me, he was furious about being in the carrier. Got him back to the car and home whereupon he swore at me loudly enough the wake the dead. He soon settled down after being let out and given a hearty meal and some treats. I mistakenly thought I might get my first good night’s sleep for a while. I didn’t as I kept getting woken up by Sakli wanting affection all through the night. Worth it though.

Latika was as happy as I was for his brother to be back and was demanding equal amounts of affection. Now sprawled in the conservatory.


I love a good news story, you must be relieved.

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Thinking… “Sorry for all the trouble, here’s a purrfect pose for you to take a photograph”!


Sad news. A good life well lived by the sound of it.

A beautiful Tortie. Colouring much like our Freckles - very dark with just a few splodges. Pixie is similarly dark but with more light splodgy bits.


Had a visitor earlier that I haven’t seen locally before. Unusual markings, very large and vocal, also friendly and inquisitive. I hope he pays a visit again sometime.


Silver Bengal, perhaps?

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I don’t know, but it looked a cross because he had a tabby striped tail.

Only having had moggy fleabags, I looked up Silver Bengal cats. The markings were very similar, blue eyes, but the face was fatter. It didn’t have a collar on, I assume that an owner wouldn’t let one out to roam if it was a pedigree or similar cross.

You may well be right. I’ve always loved Bengals, but we have (three) Burmese, and if we didn’t have Burmese, we’d have Siamese.

My wife has occasionally suggested that we could fit in a couple of Siamese….to which I have always responded, “and a couple of Bengals as well?”.

She then does the sums! One day she will weaken, and we will become “those old folks with all the cats.” I think I could live with that. :laughing: