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Only cos I read the Tangerine website, I think the Karmen top plate is the top plate (usually??) supplied with the stiletto plinth. The top plate isn’t part of the plinth in other words.

Nick’s top plate looks silver to me anyway, pics further up thread

Looks stunning Nick!
Lets hope they can sort out this HUM issue for you without to much difficulty/expense :crossed_fingers:t4:


The top-plate/plinth are one piece (milled from a single billet), hence why it’s so good. IIRC, the 'plate is shaped on the underside like a Khan.

There was a time when the 'plate was silver on top and the plinth black – I think TP offered this as an option.

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Stiletto is an all in one plinth and top plate in one piece.
The Karmen is a single top plate on its own.
If you have a stiletto it’s all black.


Ah, I must apologise! I mistook the photos of AndyL68s deck for Nick’s - oops. Though they both look great in almost all black.

Stiletto is a one piece aluminium plinth/top plate​.
It is machined from a solid billet of aluminium, the top plate section being the same as our Karmen.

Does that mean even though it’s functionally the same as a Karmen, it is in fact fully integrated?

[Edit: now I look again at the photo on the Tangerine website, the stiletto is pictured upside down, oops, sorry for any confusion I sowed everyone - even if most of it was my own :slight_smile: ]

There were some pics on the old Forum from all angles – sadly now out of reach it seems.

Being one piece, the suspension is much better supported and the 'plate isn’t secured by clamping to the plinth (obviously). I think the LP12 operates on a closed-loop principle with (say) a Keel suspended (via springs) from the sprigs from the underneath of the 'plate, to which is attached the bearing, of course the arm being attached to the armboard (obviously the Keel is a one-piece suspension member & armboard).

From my very simple understanding of engineering, having a stronger base chassis offers advantages over the wood/metal interfaces. Same with the Keel and alike, in that this removed the old suspension plate/armboard interface,

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Thank you very much for that, appreciate the explanation

I should correct myself in that the springs exert an upward force on the Keel.

FYI, I have heard it said that the plinth material can make quite a bit of difference to the sound, hence why the bamboo variants and others exist. I also suspect how tight the top-plates are affixed can also make a difference, noting the stainless steel 'plate often had to be bent to sit in correctly. A precision product only to a point :grin:


Yes. But maybe simpler to think that the springs support the weight of the sub-chassis - and everything attached to it… :thinking:

Yes - I need to choose my words better. Of course, the real load-bearer is the top-plate, itself supported by the plinth.

Correct… Ultimately its the feet of the plinth that go all the work… :crazy_face:

Having watched and chatted with Mr Swain while he set up my LP12, I believe the Linn steel top plate actually MUST be tensioned between the front and rear walls of the plinth which produces quite a pronounced downward bow in the plate itself.


Unfortunately not, the Snaic’s are only supplied in the standard length.

I’ve heard of Naim making custom length cables in the past. Must be worth an email to support. The Prefix is worth the effort. If not then there will be someone who can put something together I would expect.

At my dealer’s special request, Naim made the signal lead from my ARO as long as possible, without degrading the signal. I think that it is 1.5m in length.

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Nick - just one final question. What capacitance loading plug do you have on the Superline ?

The guys at Infidelity could not tbe more helpful. I have been with them for as long as I can remember.
They want a happy customer so you should get sorted easily.

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I couldn’t agree more. They have always sorted out any problems promptly.

Capacitance 1nF.

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Yes, it is pre-tensioned which then makes it sit flat, but more importantly, stops any resonance.