Show us your Sondek

Idling over an espresso, I figured my LP12 was 40 (or more, can’t be bothered to dig out the receipt - could be 41) years old.

So…happy birthday top plate (and outer platter)!
Thanks for everything. Looking forward to your Fiftieth.


I remember going round the house lining up all the srew slots…oh, and little bits of plastic tube that had to be stuck on the back of speakers in threes, it had to be an odd number…what a gullible wally!
Peter’s dead now I believe but his wife is still carrying on the madness and the PWB website


I was told his coffin wouldn’t decompose until they exhumed him and took all the stickers off it.
Oops is my humour too dark. :face_with_hand_over_mouth:


No, it was wrapped in tin foil strips

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May I ask what that thing is by the pulley?

I think it’s the optical speed sensor of the Lingo 4

*revolution counter

HH – if you don’t know, a sticky piece of black tape is applied on the inside rim of the outer platter, so the board (with optical sensor) in view and the tape act as a strobe control.

All a bit Heath Robinson compared to other TTs – but it all seems to work?!


Sticky black tape on the platter. How very Beltian.

I hadn’t realised the Lingo 4 uses such a thing. Presumably it’s not used with the Radikal? Or many it is.

Sorry, don’t know re Radikal. Happy with L4.

A nice cheap solution, assuming it works as well as a new
£££ machined outer platter, which some may have preferred of course (and probably provoke further complaints of Linn’s greed).

Looks like it is used for the Radikal as well. At least from the results of a Google search for “linn radikal parts” - the Linn website wasn’t helpful at all, but a few dealer websites were

How interesting. You’d think with all the digital tech that it wouldn’t be needed, but Linn clearly think otherwise.

I suppose there has to be some way to calibrate. Ultimately it’s an analogue device after all. If you didn’t have a strobe style measure you would need a device actually in contact with the motor shaft or spindle which would surely not be good.

I don’t doubt its efficacy, but was merely surprised to see it. It seems sumultaneously modern and retro.

Perhaps we’re just not used to seemingly cheap solutions. Perhaps we’d be less surprised if the calibration marker was laser etched to sub micron accuracy, filled with platinum wire for reflectivity and than coated in diamond for endurance.

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When I had my Lingo 4 fitted a month or so back, I needed to have a new outer platter because the original one had become darker with age and the sensor couldn’t reliably tell the difference between the platter and the small sticker, this meant that the lingo kept losing speed lock or whatever they call it. It was an expensive upgrade with all the other bits but definitely worth it as I would say it has doubled or trebled the amount of time I listen to LPs rather than ripped CDs or downloads. It has also encouraged me to buy more LPs.


The Radikal has it. I sometimes worry about accidentally tearing it off when I’m cleaning the platter.

Haha! If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it. Man in a shed meets digital age. :grinning: (it’s on radikal2 as well)

Didn’t want to raise a new topic but I’m hearing distortion playing through my Krystal, spent awhile cleaning the tip and I checked the tracking weight with scales but not sure if I have reached the end of life or if there is anything else I should check?

I estimate that it easily has less than 1000 hours of play and looks ok when I examine it playing a record.

I sent a record back last week as it was only 1 track that had distortion, rest of the record played fine but I’m hearing again on another record.


Looks a bit hairy and corroded in the photo. :thinking:
Do you wet clean.?
I’ve had no luck with Krystal’s two faulties with hundreds between the serial numbers. :-1:t2:

Only the green paper and occasional use of a stylus brush. Photo shows a few hairs as used an old record that I haven’t cleaned yet.

Thought I have another 2 years, Oh well, haven’t saved up enough for any significant upgrade but looks like I don’t have a choice.

Will need to look at alternatives?