BTW if I’d just missed out on the bearing upgrade offer I would be in talks with Linn, as well as your dealer. Worth remembering the cost price of that bearing is a fraction of the list price, so no real hardship for the company to make things sweet with a good customer.
I’ve had a close-up look of the little platter krater™ and my prognosis is that most of it should polish out okay sort of, just leaving a tiny dimple which will be hardly noticeable if all around the platter side is also polished up.
The solvol autosol is on standby, and the job is on my things to do
That’s a shame but these freaky things sometimes happen. Zooming in on that ding - it’s small but looks relatively deep so I’m thinking it would likely first require sanding with wet and dry abrasive paper. That said I’d be reluctant to sand one area of the rim unless only a very small amount of metal needs removed as you could end up with a quite noticeable ‘flat spot’ when the platter is spinning. How about touching it in with a tiny drop of silver paint instead ?
I have some wet and dry paper of 2500 grade, it’s so fine it would work in prep for polishing all around the platter. Mind you that inky black centre of the hole looks misleading in the photo, it is too deep to polish out but it’s really quite small.
Geoff, i’m well aware of those little ridges, but any polishing will flatten them out.
The 2500 grade paper is extremely fine, and only prep for polishing.
Also, the LP12 platter edge finish is notoriously crap anyway, it always gets marked and looks tat after a few years, may as well polish away and have done with it
Various claims suggest that polishing the platter kills the musicality. Years ago I had one guy who insisted my polished platter would no longer be in balance and therefore the timing would be f’d - or words to that effect. These are likely the same sort of people who think 5G is responsible for every problem the world now has.
Its a piece of that non stick material you put over tables on boats to stop plates /etc sliding all over the Ship(!) It does change the sonics of the Linn but I and a few others like the apparent extra detail that
it gives.
Oh and Norton AirPower PSU/ Black Ittok III/Jan Allaerts MC2 Cart/ Hovland Phono cable.
Just watched Sarah Jones (Shadow Minister for Policing) being interviewed on the BBC news and am I right in thinking there was an LP12 in the background ? she definitely had a very decent vinyl collection on view, my faith in politicians has been restored!!