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Your problem is likely to be that, while there will be some ‘good’ Ittoks ‘out there’, equally there are likely to be rather more ‘bad’ examples, with bearings that are knackered, broken wires, etc. And the arm was discontinued over 20 years ago.

If you want one (and they are lovely arms, I had one 30 or so years ago), you really should avoid eBay and get yourself to a good Linn dealer instead - Audio T have lots of shops, Grahams in London, Cymbiosis in Leicester (to name a few). You might even start with James at TomTom in St Albans, who specialises in high quality second hand audio equipment. He has good connections, and can often find things that an ordinary buyer cannot, and he doesn’t charge the Earth.

Good luck, whatever you decide to do. I’m sure that there must be a lovely Ittok with your name on it, so all you have to do is find it!


I shudder to think what sort of condition a £250 Ittok might be in. Better to reckon on at least £500-750, with a premium for mint, boxed ones and the last LVIIIs.


Thanks Graham.
I will definitely start with my own dealer and consult on his recommendations etc…
His LP12 specialist who built mine has a number of years experience in the product, as does he. I’m sure between them they can start me on the right path.
In fairness, I’m still loving my RB880/Apheta 3 combo, so no drastic urgency. :slightly_smiling_face:

To be honest Richard, the one for £250 did say parts underneath, so I guess it’s not in ‘plug and play’ condition.

Some Aros have the old style ‘NA’ logo screen printed on the headshell, while others (such as in this photo) don’t. I have never heard why this is the case - is there a reason?

Some really helpful thoughts shared above

Agree a dealer (with good experiences of setting up tonearms and Linn items), is worth its weight in gold to help you through such a process.

In my case, Graham at @BasicallySound has been setting up LP12’s for long enough that he’s probably done hundreds of Ittok’s. For me, working with a local dealer relationship is always best. Most might agree on that advice.

My own Ittok was originally partnered with our LP12 from new, in 1986. However, in 2020, (as part of a much larger LP12 refurb” and upgrade project), the Ittok received some much needed TLC. As Graham discovered the bearing were starting to tire.

You can read the story of my Ittok service and bearing replacement here…

My point is : Bearings ; internal wiring ; key parts ; etc can all be found and lovingly replaced. Working with specialists is the key.

This work brought the Ittok back to near new condition. Good for another 30+ years of use.

The LP12 refurb’ and upgrade story is documented here…

Hope all the advice is helpful for your own journey.



How interesting :thinking:
The very same chap that built my LP12 18 months ago :blush:

This is my current system.


Funny old world isn’t it. :wink:
Life is full of concentric circles…

Good luck

There’s a gorgeous black ittok for sale from a dealer in the north east. Google secondhand hifi and you will alight on the shop I am alluding too.

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Nice in black but it’s a bit steep. £695 should get a good silver one that passes the swing test.


That certainly is a very handsome example.
If it’s still around next year it may be on the list, although I am quite taken by the idea of a Champagne Silver one. I wonder if I can transplant my RB880 to my Project :thinking:
Thank’s for the steer @Endon :blush:


Your added photo…

That’s a handsome looking system. Nicely proportioned and well presented in the Fraim.

Looking at all the individual components, I would also suggest well balanced (synergy) too.

Thanks for sharing.


Thank you @ratrat.
I took this picture on the day it was built, I have subsequently shuffled the layers as there was interference between the HiCap and Phono Stage causing a hum. The NAPSC is on the floor behind the Fraim.
It now looks like this and sounds even better than it did…


I’m a purist- strictly champagne and silver for me too!
Re the black ittok- they are generally open to “doing a deal” as I agree the price is a bit steep.

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New Origin Live Illustrious tone arm. Installation and set up was fairly straightforward, if a tad nervewracking. My turntable experience is limited. Already noting improvements over the Tecnoarm2. Sounds more controlled and organised with greater insight. The new cable will doubtless take a few hours of running in. Hopefully the new Audio Technica ART 9xa cartridge will arrive before Christmas.


Very cool looking set up… how do you find the Aria with the Troika? I’m running the same set up more or less and I’m just contemplating whether to keep the Aria or not?

That looks awesome, glad it also sounds good :slight_smile:

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I think Richard D commented on this some while back…an age related reason, I recall that the earlier Aros had the older NA logo on…mine is a newer vintage.

Merry Christmas to All :christmas_tree:

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An Aro on a Xerxes, wow!


Yep, some years back had it custom drilled at Roksan and fitted by Naim dealer…anymore out there ?

Merry Christmas to All :christmas_tree: