Show us your turntable

Yep, some years back had it custom drilled at Roksan and fitted by Naim dealer…anymore out there ?

Merry Christmas to All :christmas_tree:


Wow, doubt it. Nice.

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I seriously doubt an Ittok can bring any sizable improvement over an RB880, that would be Ekos territory.

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I remember talking to the late Frank Abela about tone arms. He ran a Gorb (upgraded Gyro) and had been through quite a few arms on it. One complication was the necessity for the combined armboard and arm weight to be within certain limits. He worked with the factory to get one that would accommodate the light weight of an Aro for instance.


That’s a great question.
It’s not a simple answer…

The Aria works really well for us, in our setting. It sounds superb.

In our case, the Aria will eventually move back to duties with our RP6 + Ania Pro + NEO psu, which is how we originally used it.

Right now, we are not using the Rega TT so much. So, because it is available, we are using the Aria with our LP12 instead. It’s sound great. The alternative would be to use the internal phono cards fitted in the NAC72. Actually, they are pretty good. But the Aria is just noticeably better. I wouldn’t mind going back to just the NAC72 internal phono section again. And this would be one box less.

So. now to share thoughts on any future phono options for our LP12…

At this point, I might add that any further options might depend on the spec’ for your LP12 and your “end game” system. In my case, it’s our other system that might improve over time.

We had our LP12 upgraded in 2021. The difference between our “stock” 1986 deck and the one we have now is quite honesty staggeringly good. We have since had the great fortune to hear it played in other systems.

It really deserves a better (best) phono amp. It has so much more to give. So, I’ve looked (listened) to one or two.

And we have the option to swap the TT’s between our two systems, if maybe the other one is preferred.

During one dealer demo, I was able to compare my Rega Aria, with a SuperLine (bare, powered by a Naim amp) and the SL powered with HCDR. Then a Rega Aura.

Although I could share some thoughts on these options. My very first point is to say how impressed I was with the Aria, for its cost, relative to the other, better phono options. Another reason for sticking with it.

Currently, I’m inclined towards a Naim SuperLine. We have a HC2 which could be used with it.

As there is no hurry to such things, the plan might change yet.

Lastly, I’m wondering if Naim might yet create a mid price phono stage option - between StageLine and SuperLine - maybe using the tech’ in their latest design matched to the Soltice. That might be a nice option too.

How about your own thoughts on this topic?



The Illustrious pairs nicely without any mods necessary.
Spent the evening listening and I am exceptionally pleased with the improvements. Beyond what I hoped and although the very positive reviews and articles were reassuring, it is always a relief when an investment rewards you.
Another positive was the very detailed and clear documentation that came with the arm.

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Not sure I have enough time with the combo to comment too much… - I just wonder if the max impedance on the aria is a bit low for the Troika at 400 ohms - it of course sounds wonderful with th Apheta and has a lovely warm natural sound with the Troika. Just curious really as to others thoughts and experiences so thanks for that.

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For me, in my setting, it really sounds great.

Our opinion was reinforced when we heard (better) alternatives. We will stick with the Aria for a bit.

Looking at the tech’ sheets, that impedance might ideally be more. But I don’t think in practice it matters much to the ears. I’ve also used our Ania Pro with S and K cards (NAC72 phono cards) and it makes hardly any difference in our setting.

Feel free to come back and share more when you have further thoughts


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@JonathanG , I see you just reviewed the SME 60 in your Naim system, 252/300 and Trichord phono/ ps. ( Mono and Stereo review)
Lucky guy!
How is the Prat, the involvement? Is it more lively than the lower SME turntables? I sold my SME 20/2 3 years ago. Fantastic deck but not enough involving, fast.

Sorry for the delayed response French, yes that was a memorable experience for sure and I hope you enjoyed the review. For what it’s worth I think that the Model 60 and indeed the new Mk2 versions of SME’s range which have just launched offer a significant improvement to PRAT and I noted that in my Mk2 launch commentary which can be read on the Soundstage global website (easy to find and against the rules to link here I think).

From the Model 60 onwards the firm have now changed from a DC to an AC motor and completely redeveloped a new line of power supplies and motor control units. It is this which I suspect has changed the presentation and improved the timing. As a former owner though you would of course be best placed to judge by listening.

I think Jason Gould of Naim who came and heard the Model 60 at my house with the big Naim and ATC SCM50’s felt the same - it was simply a sublime system measured by any parameter.

I hope that’s helpful, Jonathan


Yes, Frank and I corresponded at some length on this with JM (we both had Gorbes). The factory supplied the heaviest blank boards they could and essentially left it to me to machine out the correct hole and also machine out enough material to ensure the board and arm came to the correct weight. Only issue was an armrest. IIRC, Frank used an acrylic outrigger and I planned to adapt an SME part, but never finished it before letting the Gorbe go.

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What a wonderful looking beast!

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Your view joins the same observations from another review I read elsewhere, don’t remember if it was absolute sound or Stereophile. Thanks for your response.
I hope SME will launch new models, cheaper, on the basis of the 60.
You are not too disappointed to return it ?


The new SME Mk2 redesign applies to the Model 12 and every model above it and uses new AC motors and redesigned power supply topology plus some other changes so I would expect them to have a similar sonic signature to the Model 60 with improved PRAT.

I’m expecting to review one of the more affordable models in early 2023, initial impressions of the Model 12/2 at the launch I attended were that it has the similar PRAT improvements as the Model 60.

As for returning the Model 60 and indeed the rest of the system used in the review it’s always hard to let things go, I felt the same when I said goodbye to the NAC552 after the HFN review I did nearly 20 years ago! The truth is that such products are so incredibly rewarding to own and use and put you closer to the music than you ever dreamed possible. As a reviewer though you simply have to get used to having gear pass through your fingers that you can’t necessarily afford to own, it’s just what happens!! In some ways I struggle more with the stuff that I could conceivably afford - so for example I currently have a Loricraft record cleaning machine at £2800. Now I have spent years toying with buying a £400 Pro-ject machine and indeed I have used one but having had the Loricraft in the house and experienced how much nicer and more effective it is at cleaning records I’m now really wrestling with the idea of buying it… The thing is that buying the Model 60 was never realistically even an option so it’s easier to put it out of my mind lol!

I have a number of objectives this year, principally to upgrade my cartridge (because I feel my GyroDec/SME IV is now far too capable for the resident AT-OC9) and also to upgrade the home cinema part of the system to Dolby Atmos. So those are probably my next priorities after recently upgrading to 4k projection from 1080P. Then it will likely be the Naim amps that get upgraded - it never ends!!!

Hope that helps,



“Slightly” ?:wink:

It’s ok I’m also in the ocd club……

Thanks for the reply. As long as you can connect with the music and be transported, the goal is achieved, be it with the 60 or Gyrodeck.
I didn’t knew that the SME 12 , and probably the 6, adopts already the same new technology used in the 60. Interesting.


That’s so true Frenchrooster - it is all about the music and connecting with it and enjoying it. A friend and I were only saying the other day that we played so many records and had such joy from relatively modest systems back in the day - in my case spinning vinyl on a Systemdek IIX, feeling proud I owned a Linn LVX Basic arm, dreaming of buying my first MC cartridge (AT-F5) and feeling really lucky to have a Mk 1 Nait. They were such happy times I had listening to that system washing the proceedings down with a £1.99 bottle of Bulgarian Cabernet Sauvignon because it was all I could afford!

My mate now runs a Gyrodec and also a Sondek LP12 Ittock with 282/300DR etc and also has another study system of 62/140 and he was saying to me that it’s shameful how little music he really sits down and listens to properly nowadays the way that we used to sit down and listen on far more modest equipment. I think so much depends on either having a dedicated listening room or ideally a partner who loves playing music as much as you and I am very lucky in that respect. Most of the time my missus will happily listen to music with me. In fact I have a routine of playing music in the early evening, maybe having some wine, cheese etc and then as the night wears on we usually switch to a film or documentary/news or possibly a rock concert. There’s also nearly always music on during the day, sometimes all day but that’s usually more of a background activity unless I am reviewing something in which case the listening can be very focused.

I think the message really is exactly as you said - listen and enjoy with what you have no matter how modest it might seem compared to the megabucks systems on here.



Wishing you the best FR……i always like your input, have a happy FR new year.


Thanks Gazza, I wish you the best too. I like too your positive contributions, always peaceful. :clinking_glasses:


Hi @BigAl, I have 2 x 135s. Was it worth the move to active ATCs?

Great dialogue guys Merry Xmas etc