Show us your turntable

Quick question: several forum members have small spotlights on (?) their turntable plinths. Are these run of the mill lamps or hifi-specific fittings?

All the ones Iā€™ve seen in pics have been $20 LED lights run from USB power. I know because I have some at home on the piano and in the office and always see turntable pics and declair, ā€œhey! Iā€™ve got that light!ā€

Personally, Iā€™d not plug on in near the hifi though.

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Most of them are fairly generic LEDs that use a wall wart for power.

However, these wall warts can create electrical noise.

When I used one, I had it on the household ring mains, whereas, the Hi-Fi was on its own dedicated ring mains.


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Use leds fed from a battery supply. That is unlikely to contaminate the mains.


Mine is just an Amazon special. Fed by a wall wart. No impact on sound but I have the HiFi on a ps audio regenerator so it is isolated from the light

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I am sorry to say I was very sceptical, about your post, but politely all I will say is that it is an implement for playing records

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No longer owned but used to have a Technics SL1300 with Shure M75EDā€¦:sunglasses:


I hope the combi has a reverse gear

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no, just drive in circlesā€¦

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Very nice @Arnsider - what is the brand/light you have there?

Iā€™ve been off the forum for a few months, overworked, not enough time etcā€¦

Frankly, everyone has a different set of ears. If you donā€™t hear any difference between 2 pieces of equipment, go for the cheaper, whatever anyone says.

Second, find what you like and stick to that philosophy. For example, I (my ears) like suspended sub-chassis generally. So I tend to gravitate to such turntables - doesnā€™t mean I donā€™t think the Continuum isnā€™t a great table, but generally, I end up going the subchassis route. I like Koetsu cartridges. I get what everyone says about making many things sound pretty and being wobbly at the bottom end - iā€™m good with that. Iā€™m happy to put put up with the fat bottom end for the midrange magic. Your priorities may vary and a Koetsu might not be for you.

Itā€™s a turntable thread, but to veer into digital for a sec, Iā€™m not too keen on the dCS way of doing things but prefer the Meitner / Playback Designs way. I just find them so much more ā€˜musicalā€™. Again, you may be looking for something else in music reproduction and thatā€™s cool. Not only our ears are different (our internal frequency response), but we also tend to have different musical tastes.

Chill, find out what type of things you like and donā€™t let anyone tell you youā€™re wrong.


Iā€™ve not tested the different tone bodies. I have a Black (metal) a rosewood and a coral stone. The Coralstone and the Rosewood have the same insides and cantilever (platinum, diamond cantilever). They sound a bit different, with the rosewood being a bit warmer. The Coralstone is a knock-out looks wise too, if thatā€™s of any inportance.
Theyā€™re all great :slight_smile: but I would give the edge to the Coralstone for all round perfection (to me)

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Hi @Klout10
I bought the lamp from the Shambles market in York a couple of years ago. Just thought it a little different

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Thank you very much. I ā€žonlyā€œ have the black and I am interested in what you said about the warmer presentation of the rosewood. The stone bodies are out of my range but maybe sometimes I go a little bit higher on the rosewood ladder. Looks wise I like the coralstone and the jade most :slightly_smiling_face:

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I m really curious about the dps3 turntable and the carbon arm. Did you made some comparisons with lp12? Bauer is in my top list

I fitted a different cartridge last week. So i carried out a bit of fettling this morning, rechecked the cartridge setup, vta and tracking force. Now sounding very good.


It certainly looks very


Good :blush:


I think the sentence ended perfectly :slight_smile:

Looks awesome.


Some lovely turntables reviewed on youtube by Pearl Acoustics - and a ā€˜winnerā€™ declaredā€¦