Show us your turntable

I don’t think he was implying you had OCD.

I wonder why he typed ‘Ocd’, then.

Would appear to be a reply to the previous comment from [Thegreatroberto]
and the “OCD” remark was aimed at himself ?
That’s how I read it anyway


Precisely. No offense was intended, I apologize if anyone took any. And yes, I was referring my own need to dot every i.

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It is a shame that the Uberlight is not easier to buy in the UK, but in the end I settled on one of IKEA’s finest, which clamps nicely on to a glass shelf.

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Aha, now I get the mixup. Your very precise cleaning method: thank you for sharing! I will look into it and the products you mention (not available my side of the channel). Again: the other comment was not directed to you, but part of another conversation and was reflecting my own compulsions.

The problem with canned compressed air is how much and how close to spray. PLus it can be easy to push muck into the cartridge innards.
Good houskeeping is the way to go. Plus “the green stuff” sandpaper and the Audio-Technica AT-637 vibrating pad are not for me. The soft brush to clean a camera lens, remember them, is my choice.
I have a small bottle of cleaning fluid from Clear-Audio “Diamond Cleaner” and a little pad about 6mm in diameter suppled with the cartridge. Both are used sparingly.
A re-build of my Lyra Etna SL is in the region of £4K.
Sometimes I am scared to use it. Sometimes.
So easy with CD. Bung it in the drawer or whatever and away you go even after a little sharpener,
But its not quite the same is it?


And mine :grinning:

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Sorry if I misunderstood any comment(s), but I do like to have a clean stylus. II also use a Decca-type carbon fibre brush to clean the spinning record before I play it.

That just seems sensible to avoid as many clicks and pops as possible.

Not as exotic as some of the offerings here but does for me:Origin Live modified Technics 1210mk2with Rega 300 arm and a mix of cartridges Ortofon 2m Blue,Goldring 1042,Project Pick it.


Awesome. I bet it sounds pretty good!

(Awaiting my own 1200 patiently!)

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This one is on the Nile site £116 free delivery

Not too shabby had for coming up for 8-9 years


I use a cleaning stylus gel. Works fine. And from time to time a Lyra cleaning fluid.


I have never heard of an Origin Live modded Technics 1210. The original Technics deck must have been around almost as long as Linn’s LP12, and is now, I believe, in mark 4 (at least) guise. The Technics original is a deejay favourite and, I believe, built like a brick outhouse.

What modifications do OL make to the Technics deck? (Obviously, the Rega tonearm wouldn’t come as standard on the Technics original and the record clamp doesn’t look very Technics either.) But what else do they do to it? Do you know if it is generally available, or is it built to order?

Sorry to bombard you with questions, but the deck looks fascinating!

Yes, but if I buy from the UK site, as an EU resident, I then get hit with Import duty and VAT, as the UK is now a 3rd country and not part of the EU Trading block, where goods & services can move freely and without additional tariffs within its neighboring countries (or even those with a land border)


Yep Origin Live it is! attached some pics from their early brochure mods were new platter mat isolation feet and out board PS motor all for the (then) price 770 GBP
bit of a bargain!

Thanks for that. Were you able to compare the modded deck against the equivalent Technics original before you bought it? The black-ish power supply at the bottom left of the brochure looks vaguely familiar - is it (or some variant) used to power something else that I will have seen somewhere else, do you know?

I have an external power supply (Armageddon) and a Herbies platter mat for my LP12, both of which I find an improvement on the Linn originals. I know that some Members (including, I think, our moderator) are sceptical of the merits of the mat. I found the Linn felt mat maddening (the static charge would make the wretched thing stick to LPs) and I was glad to get rid of it. (I found the idea of using double-sided tape to stick the felt mat to the Mazak platter risible on a piece of precision engineering.)

Anyway, it’s always refreshing to read of someone using something very different, so well done to you.

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Been a big DD fan for along time(on my third Technics!) the the out board power supplies come in two flavours black is the standard one silver which i have is the advanced motor these are DC motors.
They also do two nifty Rega based tone arms highly modified with upgraded internal wiring. the record clamp is off an old Michel deck quite weighty and looks coolio too!

I also use a Herbie’s on my LP12, and the improvement in SQ was immediate and tangible across the board, the felt mat is the biggest afterthought in audio IMO.