Show us your turntable

Probably sounds even better!!
just one question. Why are the Cartridge mount screws so large? :thinking:

@JonathanG , I see you just reviewed the SME 60 in your Naim system, 252/300 and Trichord phono/ ps. ( Mono and Stereo review)
Lucky guy!
How is the Prat, the involvement? Is it more lively than the lower SME turntables? I sold my SME 20/2 3 years ago. Fantastic deck but not enough involving, fast.

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The Hanna ML cartridge weighs a mere 9.5 Grams. That is too light for the counter weight on the table. The Aluminum Flat Head Knurled Thumb Screw allows me to add mass without utilizing the standard Head-shell Weight which often has an adverse effect on the cartridge. The Knurled thumb screws come in various lengths (resulting in various weights) allowing for optimum balance.


Nice idea.

New (to me) old mid 80ā€™s LP12ā€¦


Love the black Ittok and red Troika.
Itā€™s a thing of beauty.

That lovely red curvaceous cartridge is probably the best looking pick up ever made.


Linn must be fed up with hearing so many saying what a beautiful looking cartridge the Troika is/was.

Have you had yours rebuilt/retipped by Goldring?


Soundsmith did the rebuild

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Soundsmith is not a name that Iā€™ve come across before. Are they new on the scene?

I had a quick look online, and found a US manufacturer with that name. But all the cartridges on their website are their own, with no rebuilds of other manufacturersā€™ products.

Yeah thatā€™s them theyā€™ve been around a while. They do rebuilds and retips and stuff as well as make and service their own productsā€¦ theyā€™ve done a nice job on this one - refurb and a ruby cantilever and a nude line contactā€¦ not sure how close to the original troika sound it is but Iā€™m pretty happy with it

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It looks great. I agree entirely with ratrat above (and I have posted on here previously) that the Troika must be the most attractive cartridge design ever.

I wonder who Ivor/Linn got to design it. Or perhaps it was designed at Goldring (who, I think, built the original cartridge).


Supex built the original cartridge.

Adikt, Klyde & Krystal are Goldring ā€œArmourā€

Whoā€™s making Ekstatik?

(I may have got the spilling rong)

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Made by EMT.
Also the Kendo. :+1:t2:

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Finally got a chance to clean it up and set it up properly today - was a little rough looking when I picked it up but itā€™s cleaned up pretty well, other than the oxidation on the outer platterā€¦


Pedantry alert: From the separate arm rest attached to the arm board, Iā€™m guessing that @KiwiMarra has a black Ittok. The arm rest on the Ekos is attached to the arm pillar, so no second hole in the arm board is needed.

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Yes thatā€™s correct it is a Black ittokā€¦

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The Black Ittoks were lovely - made in Japan, as I recall, before Linn brought manufacture of their tonearms in-house in Glasgow.

I had a black Ittok, which I sold when I got my ARO. I donā€™t regret switching to the ARO at all, but I do wish that Iā€™d kept the Ittok (which went for not a lot of money).

Am I right in remembering that the Ittok was so named because it was designed by a Mr Ito in Japan, or is that an urban myth?

Incidentally, KM, you need to update your profile, which shows you having a Rega TT.


Yes, designed by Takao Ito of the Denon Parts Co.

FWIW, I prefer the Ittok in its original silver/champagne colour - such an iconic piece!