Show us your turntable

Any excuse for another picture, the thread needs a bump anyway.
This one shows the just fitted Herbie’s mat, which they call the Way Excellent II and is silicon based, some of it foamed. So far I’ve fed it a record and a half of solo piano (Beethoven and Bax) whilst tweaking the VTA to compensate for the fact that a 4.5mm thick flexible mat replaced the original 4.4mm thick hard acrylic one. Sounding pretty good with just piano, I’ll give it more of a workout over the next few days but happy with it so far.
The platter has a ~3.6mm deep recess for the mat 292mm dia with a raised area 105mm dia in the middle so most after market mats would need modifying, Herbie’s have an impressive range of sizes but not with the correct hole in the middle, they sent one the right size on request and on their first attempt.


Some wonderful record players I love the different ways of extracting the information from a record.

A real eye opener for me was the Rega Planar 1 paired with an AT VM95E under £300 all in and exceptional for the price a very enjoyable and musical record player.


Ordered the Origin Live Illustrious today to replace the Tecnoarm2 on my Gyrodec.
Being in Southampton I spent some tme in the factory. A very helpful and interesting time. They manufacture everything in house. Some wonderful engineering happening there.


I have a Herbie’s Mat on my Linn LP12, which I find much better than the throwaway felt thing that comes as standard on the Linn.

I know that others (including our esteemed Moderator) don’t like what they do.

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Very nice! I auditioned an Encounter on their Aurora deck a few months ago. Beautiful arm, I imagine the Illustrious is a decent step up again!

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Well it’s not mucking up the tune, in fact they seem easier to follow. I’m tending to dispense with the 100g record weight I normally use. I’m still in a piano sonata mood so a bit of Schubert after dinner. Will have to see if it can withstand Tippet where it’s less obvious, then I’ll hit the Scriabin if I can get away with it before my wife either finishes writing Christmas cards or ropes me into it.


Yes Mark is truly an excellent Chap :+1:t6:

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Indeed, I have upgraded twice during my ownership and he has given full RRP on trade in.

I am wondering if you have ‘customised’ the mat? My own, and every other Herbie’s Mat that I’ve seen, has a white central part (more or less equivalent to the central part of the LP12 platter). I have never seen an entirely black mat, as in your photo.

(It doesn’t matter at all, it’s just a bit curious. I wonder if the design has been altered?) Although I note from what you say that they chose the mat for you, so perhaps there was some customisation.

My mat has a 105mm hole in the centre, the black you see there is a raised area of the platter, slightly lower than the mat which sits in a recess, there’s a lip at 292mm too. I ordered the mat to fit, Herbie’s did the customising.

Before I forget the impact this thing is having… (though hopefully it’ll continue to be lovely!)

After c. 30 years service my venerable (or vegetable if autocorrect had its way!) Systemdek IIXE900 has given way to a Technics SL1200G.

It’s an incredible improvement. I purposefully didn’t back to back with my 'dek, but at home the difference is remarkable. I did demo a couple other decks, Gyrodec+Technoarm, OL Aurora+Encounter. Both were spectacular, in their own ways. I’m sure I’d have been happy with any of them. Over two decent demo sessions they all occupied number 1 spot. In the end the plug and play aspect, rugged build, headshell flexibility and yes, looks, sold me on the Technics. Ooh, and the sound quality, the bass is particularly impressive, but it’s not just that, imaging is rock steady and the top end is beautifully clear.

I’m a child of house and techno, so the history also played a part. If “fidelity” counts, then playing electronic music at its best might also be an argument in favour of the Technics!?? Even if the amplification and acoustics of a sweaty nightclub in Manchester aren’t exactly replicated in my front room X)

Anyway, so far this is doing all the things you’d expect, sounding amazing, a considerable step up, over a wide variety of music types too, Marvin Gaye to Leftfield, via Kae Tempest and Morcheeba, ACR and Joy Division. Exploring loads of well known music and hearing new things every time, music just shines through too - glorious. Just the tonic for a cold and dry, and wet and very windy December!


That’s an interesting choice - and some way away from the Linn (and similar) turntables that tend to predominate around here.

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There’s a few of them around on here, if I remember correctly.

It was a very difficult decision, but now it’s here there’s no second thoughts. In the end I did not audition the P8/P10 or a LP12. Trying 3 was hard enough, and as I say they were all excellent. The Michell is equally beautiful, the OL Encounter arm is also stunning. All three sounded fab, and swapped positions… which in the end supported my decision to buy the most practical, it is by a nice margin the easiest to use, does not have an outboard PSU, and/or a separate motor assembly like both the Gyrodec and OL. And it comes with a lovely perspex lid :smiley: It’s basically just a lovely looking, solid, and great sounding TT!


It’s a lovely deck. I love the fuss free low maintenance of direct drive. And if done well, don’t buy into the idea of innate superiority of belt drive.

I’m currently thinking about either a Technics or top end Denon DD for the Naim system. They both look beautiful in different ways. Hoping to demo both in the next week or so.


Yes that is a lovely looking deck! I was contemplating it when I was in the market but started with a ex dem Gold Note Mediterraneo. It sounded so good I just had to buy without further a due. A bit sorry I never tried the Technics and it all spun out of hand quiet fast. My budget was at first aimed at the level of a 1200GR.

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My beloved VPI Scout has been replaced by a Well Tempered Classic turntable after 15 years of service.

I recently completed the restoration of the vintage Well Tempered Classic turntable. A piece of audio equipment I lusted for (but could not afford) in my youth.

This restoration included:
• Structural repair and refinishing of plinth
• Eliminating a hum in arm
• Upgrading to Cardas Clips
• Changing of Fluids
• Motor disassembled, cleaned and lubricated
• New feet
• New belt
• Calibration

The rig is sonically impressive and visually complementary to my Naim equipment.


Splendid ! Very good work done!!

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