Show us your turntable

Merry Christmas everyone


Morning Dan, and Merry Christmas.

It was, for me, on balance, yes. Without going into an essay-length reply, there were a number of factors that prompted me to change to the ATC’s.

However, within the context of a Naim amp.set up, particularly Olive gear, the 135’s are exceptional. I sold them, via my dealer, for more that I paid for them in 2005, which shows their viability even 31 years after my pair were made.

What I would say, is that were I comfortably able to afford them, and had I a suitable room (see @ JosquindesPres’ room) I would go for SCM50 or 100aslt’s.

I have a small room (approx. 12’x10’'). I tried, for comparative purposes, a good quality stand-mount speaker, with and without a subwoofer (thus requiring retention of my 135’s), at my local dealer, and they fell woefully short of the ATC’s.

I realise this may come across as a “politician’s answer”, but as you have 135’s you have VERY capable power amplifiers. I would not have considered a NAP300, as a merely incremental improvement, and the 500 would have unbalanced my system (as well as not fitting in my Mana racks).


I’m wondering if it’s actually permissible, under Forum guidelines, to confess to having sold a pair of NAP135s.

That is surely the audio equivalent of sacrilege, and on Christmas Day too (which must make it even more heinous for reasons that I haven’t quite worked out yet)!


Compounded by me not having bought a 552/500 no doubt :face_with_open_eyes_and_hand_over_mouth:


Some would say that - I’m happy to slum it with a 52 and two 135s.


Pound for pound the best vfm apart from 72/hicap/140 imo


All the best pal, have a wonderful time!

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I enjoy :wink: your slightly quirky pictures very much.

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It’s an interesting decision as you’re not freeing up space as you have kept all your racks. I guess the key is do they sound better than the speakers and 135s you had before?

I love my 135s but I would consider changing them. If went down the DR route for a 252 SupercapDR, I would potentially go 300DR.

More likely I am thinking 52 or 552 with 500 or keeping the 135s.

I heard the ATC SCM40s abou6t 2 years ago with NDX2 and 555DR and an LP12 Klimax with a 252, Supercap DR and 500DR. The LP12 sounded particularly good and when I got home I listened to my system which I found stood up pretty well. The 500 gave the system alot more effortless power and the sound was cleaner, clearer and overall an improved soundstage.

So I guess for me it could be interesting go for a 52 or 552 with the ATC SCM actives. My room is 16 feet by 13 feet.

I like the look of the Kudos Titan 606s with a 552 preamp which I think could work well in my room with my existing 135s or 500.

All of this is funds permitting. I am thinking of giving myself a treat this July. The budget has not been decided yet and it may be that i just get one big upgrade done and then work towards other upgrades to follow afterwards.

What ATC SCM actives would work well with my set up and room size?

I’ve kept the racks as I have 2 CD players, an SACD capable DVD player, two cassette decks,a phono stage and a headphone amp and my Azur streamer.

As I said, there were many reasons for me changing my amp and speakers. I do believe, however, if you are going to “upgrade”, upgrade “big”.

As to what ATC’s would work in your room, I would guess the 50’s max. A home trial is essential. @Camlan uses SCM100aslts in a relatively small room, firing across the room, so who knows?

I do believe active ATC’s offer superb vfm, with the obvious caveat that you like what they do.

Best, Al

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This morning on the P8 … love to see the spinning of the platter


My instinct tells me 52 or 552 and then let that change settle in.

Then look at speakers and power amp configuration including possibility of Active SCMs, Kudos Titan 606s with 500.

I think if I went 552 would go for DR model. As for 500 as well. I would consider non DR and look at that as a medium term amp with 500DR being end game. Other option is 300DR and be done with that.

If I went for 52 I would keep my Supercap 2 and get it serviced. And then would keep my 135s or get a 500 non DR and get it serviced. My 135s are mint and serviced not long ago. Having said that the 500 is a different amp totally with more power, grip and control.

Possible systems:
52 Supercap 2 2 x 135s
52 Supercap 2 500 non DR
552 DR 500 non DR
552 DR 300DR
With Kudos Titan 606s used

52 Supercap 2 SCM Actives
552DR SCM Actives

Some exciting choices for July 2023 hopefully.


Bit of a tangent, sorry: I was going to sell my Supercap2, but as a Christmas treat hooked it up again with the Superline …

It stays, nuff said.
Service in the new year.

I am so impressed with Supercaps.


Yeah, well I went off on a massive tangent. It’s Christmas so I am sure that’s allowed today?



52 plus 300 was less good than 52 plus 135s, but to my ears and in my room 52 plus 300DR is better than 135s. The gap is small (too small to call an upgrade?) but the gap in price is now tiny too - 135s have gone up a lot. Of course if you already have 136s…

If you put 52 with active atc50s, it stops the upgrade path conversation of course (unless you see a screaming bargain on 552). Would you think of that as a good thing?


New on the left sideboard: StSt Motus II DQ 9’’ with Sorane SA-1.2 and Benz Ruby Z/HS-4:

On the rigth: Bauer Audio DSP3iT + v.d.H. Colibri XGP

atb, Tom


Nice to see another Abis /Sorane SA 1.2 on the forum.

I have never seen any of that equipment before. The one on the left looks pretty much LP12-sized, but the platter is huge (if not quite as large as we have seen on the Solstice).

Is the Sorane SA-1.2 a sibling somehow of the old Dynavector DV501/505 arms? They look very similar

Those old Dynavector arms used to look ridiculous, as though they would go at LPs like ploughs - and I say that as someone who has had two XX2MkIIs and have just had a Te Kaitora Rua fitted to my LP12/ARO.

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