Show us your turntable

It looks very good - but at the other end of the spectrum from my much cherished ARO). Just for reference, what would it cost to buy that arm new?

(The headshell is unlike anything else that I’ve ever seen.)

Unfortunately SME no longer offer the SME IV or V as standalone units. You can only buy them with one of their decks. I bought mine a long time ago , when they were sold as stand alone items. I think that the last time they were available they were retailing at around £3.5k - £4.0k

Yes, I remember that now. It seemed a crazy decision, but SME must have their reasons.

I’m currently going through a painful wait for all my silver cables to burn in. Especially the tonearm cable which I may need to have cooked (burnt in) professionally.


That’s a very nice looking piece of kit - also love the colour of the shelf!

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Thank you. It was a custom finish by Quadraspire. And not cheap😁

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Nice, very. Is yours a gloss finish? Looks metallic bronze-copper.

Didn’t realise they did customs.

Thank you. It’s just a purple finish that I saw on their Instagram page. I requested it at a premium of course. They told me it was a one off finish they did for a foreign client. I don’t know if they still do custom finishes.

Rega P8, newest edition. Currently using a Ortofon Cadenza Black MC cartridge with an EAR 834P Deluxe MM/MC phonostage with a Bob’s Devices 1:20 SUT.


Ive wanted one of these since my teens… finally got my hands on one this evening (Sounds lovely).


Sorry, don’t recognise it🫤
What is it please?:blush:

Its a Voyd Valdi (Two motors)


Do the two motors back each other up, or is there another reason to have two?

They are 180 degrees apart. the idea is that the platter isnt being pulled across to the side and also there is less contact area between the belt and platter.

Theres a whole load of science behind it (Voyd also did a 3 motor version too)


I can’t visualise what you’re explaining there. Will it be obvious if you post a photo with the (outer) platter removed?

By the way, is that a purple LP on the TT, or is that a trick of the light?

The LP is Blue vinyl and the Platter is acrylic so thats possibly why it looks purple.

Ive pinched this pic off the net so you can see how the motors are situated


Thank you.

There are some clever people out there, making these things for our musical enjoyment and edification.

Every day of the week Graham, every day of the week…:sunglasses:

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Yes, I see the purple hue now…looked dark- bronzed on my screen.
Beautiful :purple_heart:

Cloth ears maybe :crazy_face::crazy_face::crazy_face::crazy_face: