Show us your turntable

Like I said my Cirkus was only a few years old and like new. Tbh, I don’t know what all the fuss is about.

My powerlines provided a bigger upgrade. But they are very expensive if you buy new.

My dealer reckons my cart needs changing. It shows no signs of damage but is 4 to 5 years old. It’s past it’s best.

I am holding off for the time being as now is not the right time.

My plan is new cart and look at better tonearm and Radikal 1 and Urika. Changing the Dynavector 10X5 for the same won’t work with the Urika. Obviously this is a massive outlay so for the time being I am doing nothing with the LP12.

I am listening to it and it sounds good. Will see what happens. The cart still plays okay so no rush on that front.


I do wonder if many upgrade quantity and quality “ variables “ are down to the quality of the dealer setup.
Just saying not all are the same. :thinking:


Maybe take the Rega “fix and forget”route with the new Naia. Can’t wait to demo one

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My venerable Thorens TD-850 with a recently re-tipped Ortofon MC-A90. After making many upgrades to my system I was contemplating upgrading the turntable to bring it in line with everything else but after placing it on a proper rack (and replacing the stock spiked feet with IsoAcoustic Gaias) it’s shocked me how incredible it all sounds.

I’m instead thinking of replacing my old Rega Ios phono for something that can get the best out of my A90, possibly the Esoteric E-02. If the turntable sounds this good, why upgrade it?


My cartridge is getting on for 8yrs old. It’s got probably less than 800 hours on it and it still sounds magnificent. It should be only half way through its life. Not sure why your dealer thinks age is a consideration as opposed to wear. Maybe the suspension can degrade but that is not something I feel I’m experiencing.

Also, with the Karousel and Kore I’d go Lingo 4 rather than get a new cartridge. :+1:


Don’t play cat stevens.


Those Technics decks look lovely pieces of kit and the turntable sits at the apex of the system, it’s job is to look lovely as well as sounding lovely


With my previous carts when they went you knew they had gone. With Dynavector apparently it just sounds a bit off.

I am really not sure now. When Karousel was installed it sounded off but I think that was bearing running in. Now it sounds fine.

For the time being I am just listening to the Lp12 as it is.

My plan was Radikal 1. Gonna leave things a while and see how I get on with LP12 as it is.

I don’t know how many hours I have done on the cart. Probably 600 to 800. Maybe more. Sometimes I listen to it for 4 or 5 hours and then sometimes it’s not used for a few weeks.


Yeah, I forgot you mentioned Rad 1 previously. As I’ve basically finished the rest of my system, the eye of Sauron is starting to turn towards my TT. With used prices, a Rad 1 and a Keel and even maybe an Ekos 2 each become in themselves tempting. Then you would have to look at a used Kandid. Add that lot together and it all seems like a huge leap from my current spec to the tune of £6-7k. I’m not at all sure that I’ll go that direction but time will tell. My recent CD555PS on my NDS will probably distract me for the next few weeks so will take stock some time in the new year with a future TT plan (Or not).


Oh dear :joy::joy::joy:


Yes that lot would cost a pretty penny. If you’re happy with what you have stick with it.

I have wanted the Radikal 1 for about 4 years. There’s nothing used online. I am sure a few dealers will have them knocking about.

I will leave it for now. Ideally I would like a better tonearm, better cart and improved power supply.

I may just change out the cart and leave it at that. What I have is really good.

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How’s the 555 PS working out?

Picked up in Munich today. (Second Hand)
I am in love. The small Nagaoka MP110 sounds great on this turntable.


Over the years I have had to replace several cartridges with rather low hours of use. The suspensions deteriorated. We live on the approach to the Brooklyn Bridge which generates a lot of low level grit and pollution. The cartridges have had about 500 or less hours of use. Great skyline view, but not cartridge longevity friendly.

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Don’t know yet, it arrives Monday. :grin:. Overdue a service so will be dropping it off with Darran on Wednesday. Hoping to pick it up same day so just need to find a nice pub that does burgers for lunch somewhere between Sheffield and somewhere nice in the peaks. Was originally planning this in 18 months time when I get a lump sum from my next pension but after a year of monitoring eBay it came up and I got it for a good price. In 18 months might think about the Lp12 but to be honest I’m listening to more and more music these days so the “boys toys” aspect of this hobby is receding to a large extent. Never been happier.

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I’m a little bit worried to be honest as my XPS2 powered NDS is still grabbing me where it hurts every time I listen to it. If the CD555PS tops it in any meaningful way I’m not sure where that leaves my vinyl future. I’ve just thinned out my vinyl collection of heavy metal which is nearly one third and could net me around £1k in sales.

I’ve kept Rush, Deep Purple, Diamond Head and Mamas Boys. Because!

Kiss, Saxon, AC/DC, Black Sabbath etc. I still love but just don’t listen to at all.


Could you say a little more about this, is that a particular oil recommended for the fluted plinth, and how did you apply it - a soft lint-free cloth.

Is that a 12" SME tonearm, and it appears to have a non-standard headshell?

Whatever, it looks very classy (not that I’d give up either of my AROs!).

Hi Mike
It’s Jim Dunlop #65 Lemon oil recommended on here in previous comments a couple of years back. It’s a fretboard oil for guitars. I bought it after some forum members recommended it. Unlike a lot of tweaks etc, it is relatively inexpensive.

I applied it gently with a microfibre cloth. I thought the plinth deserved a little tlc as it,and the top-plate are the only original parts…

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I have an XPS2 and 555PS. The XPS2 is for the CDS2 and 555PS for the NDS. The 555PS is alot richer, deeper base, wider soundstage and more detailed and resolved than XPS2. It’s a big difference.

And now I have ND5XS2 as streaming platform into NDS as DAC with less glitches and using Qobuz it’s a great 3 box streamer. And I have the Zoneripper as NAS. Streaming has been my main source . But it’s enjoyable and different to play vinyl and CDs… it doesn’t make them redundant.

I still play vinyl and CDs, only more in phases. So I think by improving your streamer it may well impact the amount you play vinyl with your current LP12 set up.

The LP12 upgrades get more and more expensive as you go up the ladder. The Rega Naia sounds really very good compared to mid spec LP12s. Worth a listen. Not sure about skeletal looks though.