Show us your turntable

as Richard commented, the OC9 is a cartridge from the 80’s. But you have probably a much more recent version, if not it would need to be retipped.
Be carefull as Dan pointed, the upgrades for the Lp12 are unlimited. Maybe open a new thread.


It’s a lovely story isn’t it…
Maybe the equivalent of a “barn find”

Always imagined I might one day stumble upon a Porsche 356 (in near perfect condition) in a similar way :wink:


It’s a classic…Chap goes in for a new cartridge for his old Planar 3. Comes out with vintage Sondek :slight_smile:


I have had to stop any upgrades on my Lp12 as I have spent too much this year. There is always someone there to say to do this and do that.

Well, it’s just not always possible. Sometimes you have to leave your system as it is and say to yourself “It is what is is and it sounds bloody good!”

Enjoy your LP12 Mike. I reckon it’s a good one. Get them to service it, change the oil and belt. And see what condition the Ittok is in with the bearings, doing the swing test and check the cartridge.

When I got the Kore and Cirkus I was pleased. Was underwhelmed by Karousel although it’s settled in nicely now.

Yours has Cirkus and a good arm so it should sound good as it is. What do you want to be better about it Mike?


And opens up a huge can of worms and potential expensive upgrades costing thousands of dollars or pounds! And so it begins … :joy:


It’s not really a can of worms Dan , each upgrade brings SQ improvements as they should

The key is when to stop

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Doesn’t have to. But might. Lots of pleasure as is, in my opinion.


Well, that’s a great question and my 70/80’s vinyl sounds really good. It’s perfectly good as it is, but of course you can also refine things.

I did add a Neo PS to my Rega 3, so I know that a PS can lift things - lower noise floor and better speed control , which are probably the fundamentals.

A Lingo 4 and service and the cost of the LP12 would be on budget for what I had intended to go with a used RP10.

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A turntable playing. A Technics, with a Dynavector cartridge. Playing Khruangbin: Live at Sydney Opera House. Silly day deserved a chilled evening.


‘Was underwhelmed by Karousel’

As someone thinking maybe I should go with a Karousel before Linn price increases, 19/1/2024 I believe, that’s interesting. I don’t recall seeing anyone say that, on the contrary, everyone claims it’s the big one/game changer etc.

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Precisely, I think my expectation was too high. The Cirkus and Kore was done about 3 or 4 years ago. That was a big uplift. The Karousel was made out to be amazing. I found it took a week or so to settle. So I was expecting more than what it is. Which is a subtle change.

My cart probably needs changing which maybe clouds things.

I have done alot of upgrades this year and the others were more spectacular.


You can’t expect much for a grand these days :wink:

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Well Dan I found the Karousel to be quite a big uplift in SQ for me

We all hear sound differently- and thank god for that . No right or wrong



Karousel is a worthy upgrade, your deck will sound more neutral and dynamic, but that’s about it. It won’t be an eye opener, won’t put either black lining pre-Cirkus or Cirkus to shame. Just don’t expect it to be the “game changer” promoted by either those wanting your money, or those desperate for confirmation bias after upgrading.


Thanks for that.

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I was a bit underwhelmed with the Karousel also. ( In my system)

More bass, less treble/less bright. Perceived loss of transparency , therefore less dynamic sounding.

However:: I’m am now running it with the old inner platter which is an improvement to my ears. Better balance. Could be a risk? There was so little wear on my old Cirkus after 25 years I feel the risk is low and it fits the same. Sounds better to me, much happier.


As it has popped up a few times in the last week … my eco turntable … no coal plants or cobalt battery packs needed … even direct drive variable play speed is available … does not self clean though :frowning: … since getting a cat cartridges seem to be disappearing on me … incredibly natural presentation …


Not much likes for this terrific TT :thinking:

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Dan, when the Karousel first came out and got such glowing praise I did wonder how many converts had ‘upgraded’ from a worn or damaged bearing.