Show us your turntable

I guess you’ve never lived in a household where the audio system was in the same room as a TV set that was almost never turned off.


I separated hifi and home theater a long time ago. They just don’t belong together if one wants to enjoy music and another likes to watch TV.

I think it’s fine that my wife likes to watch TV, but I watch precious little and don’t want it to impede my opportunities to play records. I watch maybe an hour or two of TV in a week, usually before bedtime, unless there is a series I like running a new season…and there aren’t many of those.


My wife prefers to watch TV whereas I prefer music, we are lucky that we have two rooms one a family room off the kitchen dinner and a separate lounge, both of which can be used for TV viewing and both have a TV in them.

Previously my hifi kit was in a spare bedroom and used solely as a music room, it was nice but a bit too small.

Now I have use of the lounge and am in the process of upgrading my hifi to take full advantage of the extra space that I have. If I could have this room as just a hifi room I would be very very happy but sadly Mrs O says no.


We have a largish L shaped open plan lounge/ dining room and kitchen in the leg of the L. I have the main system in there as either radio or stream is on all day. After 10 years here we moved the TV ‘temporarily’ in to that space for Christmas. It’s still there. Mrs Bruss doesn’t watch much TV and I watch hardly any but can become caught up in a good drama and then will binge watch. The problem is Mrs Bruss will say why don’t you play your records, and then talk, hoover, etc over the top of them. Usually starting the activity at some key point, just as Tosca leaps off the balcony or similar. :rofl:
Thankfully I can retire to the study when I feel the need for some listening to the music and leave Mrs Bruss to the TV.

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We subscribe to separate rooms for tv and hifi as well, with the hifi residing in the larger room, our living room (lounge)/reading room. The TV is in a spare bedroom that also functions as my music practice room so I have a headphone system install there.

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There is no single solution that suits everyone, and for me, a MoSo in the living room is quite enough.


What a sad and - frankly - ridiculous comment to post on a Forum meant for music, and music reproduction systems.

Whatever are you doing to bother even to be on this Forum?

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I feel a non audiophile forum would more be a place for him :grin:

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Reading this thread makes me feel so blessed that A and I do not own a TV. The hi fi takes pride of place in the lounge and we both listen to it.

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In any case, I cannot quite understand what they are saying. What I would say is that many people have a huge misconception about us.In reality, what most of us actually care about is the music, the hi-fi is there to serve this purpose only.

Yes, but then why post here. We are loving music but we are also mostly audiophiles. If someone is not interested by gear , improvements, upgrades…why post ?

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My system has always been in the living room, with the TV between the speakers.

For us it’s a compromise as we have to balance things out.

However, I would say that we listen to music 80% of the time. We do not watch, what I refer to as live TV, but only streamed on Apple TV+, ITVx or Amazon Prime, which the audio is played through the Hi-Fi.


To not open a new thread just for one pic, I share with you the new Thiele turntable with Zero tracking tonearm.



Saw this at Axpona this weekend. Sounded great and looks the business in the flesh…Not cheap

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I always wonder about these expensive, off-beat tonearm designs, and how wise it is to invest in one. You never know about the long term reliability and support, and whether the execution just doesn’t live up to the design goals.

I have those same concerns with bicycles. I have higher end gear, but I don’t like proprietary, non-standard stuff. It has never ended well for me, so I prefer to stick to established standards.

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Yes, not cheap, 26 k euros with the arm.
What were the electronics with that tt in Axpona ?

Not often mentioned here: Goldnote turntables.
I like the wooden shape, but of course different to the classic Linn Sondek.


I heard it at Rhapsody last week. I can’t remember which cartridge was used. A nice enjoyable demo.


Karan monos and pre with Vinberg Mino speakers in a very big room. That set up had no problem filling the space.

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