Show us your turntable

I agree with Tony. A fetishistic audiophile shrine, ie “bloody awful”.

I’ve never understood wanting a “dedicated listening room” or indeed “media room”.


To be honest, I don’t care if it’s nice or bloody awful. I have more interest in the hifi components.
There are some wonderful turntables here and the Kondo top amps must sound awesome.
A bit of mess , yes, but it’s a paradise for audiophiles. You don’t live in that room, just listen to music. There are too many components to be accommodated in a living room, it’s not the goal.
When you are rich, you can have a big home with nice decorated rooms, where you live, and a dedicated room like this to disappear into the music and audio passion.


I had the spare bedroom as my ‘listening room’, it worked okay and I was happy having my own bit of space to chill out in.

But Mrs O suggested having my gear in the lounge so moved in about a month ago, the difference is chalk and cheese, music seems to fill the room now and I hear more as I am further from the speakers.

And, Mrs O now joins me which she never did before, not sure if that’s a good thing or not. :thinking:


Thankfully, I’m not rich.

Now, a library… that I’d like!

The only downside is that my wife dislikes jazz and most of my more ‘out there’ records…but that’s why headphones were invented :laughing:


Seriously? My wife and I both love our dedicated listening room. It gives us a lot of joy.

It’s an otherwise unused bedroom on the second floor. It’s also nice that I can use it to play music when my wife wants to watch TV in the living room.


Josquin, that is a lovely room compared to the one above!



Not for me, sorry.

I prefer to read in coffees in nice Paris streets for example, gardens, parcs….

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That is lovely, really like that space you have created, awesome, very envious.


I was thinking more of having my books in bookcases etc. With a nice chair, of course, but…

I can always take a book out to a café :slight_smile:

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Anyway, the belts for the P3 have arrived!:sunglasses:



Well done, that man…

Same here :+1:


A separate TV room I can understand but a living room without music would be a mistake.


Job done. All good and running smoothly. Should be good for another 40years. :sunglasses:

Currently running on Trio KA-54 and Yamaha LD50 monitors. :sunglasses:


If I had my system in the living room I would spend a lot less time listening to music because that’s where my wife watches TV. We have also talked about swapping rooms, but there are some hurdles to overcome (placement, what to do with record storage, etc).


I see it more as overpriced junk. I have never heard any of those TTs making musik and I much prefer a Rega P3. One of the biggest mistakes in the Hi_Fi- industri is to believe price has anything to do with performance. This only applies to a few brand where NAIM and Linn before Exakt is a few of them.

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Sorry, but we have to agree to disagree. I already heard some big turntables and the easiness, grip, dynamics, bass…are something on another level that my already not so bad Rega P10/ Lyra Kleos.
But we can agree that some mega expensive systems can sound boring and uninvolving.
It happens too.


When I upgraded to my current Clearaudio it was a massive improvement over the previous one, and that was a massive improvement over the Rega P3/GrooverTracer w/PSU I had before that.

I’ve heard a Master Innovation at my dealer and it was quite impressive. The Rega P8 they have is a far cry from it. As nice as it is it’s just not in the same league.