Show us your turntable

A quick shot of a lightly modded technics SL1200mk2


Beeing a real vinyl afficionado there are some turntables on my side


@Don_Camillo That SP-10 looks nice. Did you make the plinth yourself and what are the other two TTs?

Thanks Tony. :grinning:

EMT 930 on the right, Technics SP-15 on the left. SP-10 MK II plinth I´ve bought on eBay some time ago. It´s made with birch plywood but only used to experiment a bit with different tonearms and cartridges. For best performance I´m using a SH-B3 obsidian plinth with the Fidelity Research FR-64s tonearm seen on back side of the wooden plinth. Cartridges are SPU Meister, famous SPU Gold (the variant produced in limited quantities only), Technics EPC-205C MK III and Fairchild A-225 exclusively used for mono records.

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Well this is pretty good view!

My new purchase! Replaces an lp12/lingo and I love it! Great for all my old school house/techno/jungle as well as everything else!


@Technarchy - I getcha! Lp 12 ain’t no good for “scratching”! :joy::rofl:

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It is to me too, even now I have a Pioneer on order.

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Lp12s are great for scratching, just add a 50p on the head shell of an ittok with a nice Mc cart and wedge suspension with cardboard!


A lot of fabulous looking turntables on this thread. Kudos to all of you.

I think what this thread needs now, however, is an oil rig. Happy to oblige, folks:

It is (deep breath):

Nottingham Analogue Ace Space with factory-fitted Heavy Kit
Nottingham Analogue Ace Anna 10” arm
Wave Mechanic psu
Lyra Delos cartridge

And a TRON Convergence to do the phone stage thing.

The Wave Mechanic lives on my AV rack as shown here:


Tron phono stage too. Respect!

Thank you sir!

The TRON represented the only significant change to my system in four years. It replaced a Heed Quasar which I’ve had for years. The Heed was good (and user-adjustable) but the TRON is in another league. It’s a fabulous piece of kit, IMHO.

None for ages, then two at once


Very nice LS, your deck is very similar to mine, apart from the tonearm and cartridge, I believe.

And is that a TRON Atlantic headphone amp I spy lurking in the shelf underneath?

Hi, i have a FR64x with a koetsu red. I also have an anna arm. I ‘m not saying that the fr is better, just different plus it gives me headshell/cartridge options. Yes that is a tron antares, it’s very good plus i have a tron/phonote phono stage that was comprehensively rebuilt by peter at deco audio.

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Lsa t3 turntable. Not mine, but wanted to share this original looking tt.


I have the V LPS/ V PSU an excellent phono stage for the money but wondered what tweaks you’ve done?

Technics 1210 with Ian Mac bearing, MCRU PSU, Isonoe feet and silver litz rewired Hadcock 228.


I did the same swap last year and haven’t regretted it a bit.

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I’ve had the Michel Focus One with Hadcock arm since I was 20. I’m now 60 so I guess it’s done ok! The speakers (not in the photo) are Kef Calindas which I love. They have T27 tweeters and B200 drivers and I’ve not felt the need to change them. They were bought for my 18th birthday, so again they’ve done ok. Decided after 40 years I could finally afford a Naim setup and managed to get a Nac 62 and Nap 140 off fleabay. I have always wanted to try a suspended sub-chassis turntable but as funds wouldn’t stretch to a Linn I decided to buy a basket case Thorens TD150 MKII and refurb it myself. The plinth and armboard have been replaced as has the top plate. The platter, sub-chassis and motor are original. The arm is a Michell OM arm which is the RB202 equivalent. Cartridge is an Ortofon Bronze. The whole system sounds amazing and will keep me happy for a few years more. In comparison to some of the turntables on here with their accompanying Naim super systems I realise this is pretty much a shoestring budget system, but to me it sounds great and lets me enjoy musical performances as they were intended.