Show us your turntable

Does it look good ? For me the first wood master innovation looks stunning. It costs a full lp12 klimax price. I would not hesitate between both, it would be the Clearaudio.

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It is better than the B&O, but it looks so clumsy. Not a fan.

More than a LP12 Klimax ,

There are some lovely LP12s on these pages , especially those with SME arms and super dooper Woodsong plinths

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While upgrading everything else in my system over the years, the turntable has stayed and I feel no reason to get something different. I did upgrade the tonearm to the Universal two years ago, then the cartridge last year.

I donā€™t feel like I need to change or improve anything in my system anymore.


I heard a Master Innovation with Universal arm and Statement Gold cartridge on a Boulder system with Dynaudio Consequence speakers some years ago. It was stunning. The entire system was north of $600K.

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Nice Vertere MG-1, I am sorely tempted. Had a DG-1 home recently and planning to hear the MG-1 in the new year. I am struggling with the cost of the cover though. It needs a cover, are there alternatives?

What cartridge will you use?

For anyone interested in some of the technical aspects of the deck and vinyl replay in general, B&O have a 19 page Technical Sound Guide on their website. In particular, the cartridge is their own design Micro Moving Cross MMC 4000 now made for them by SoundSmith, with a Nude Pra- manik diamond and low mass beryllium cantilever. Obviously not a poor specification setup by any means.

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Good morning,

cartridge will be the Mystic from Vertere, but i will also try my actual Dynavector xx2 MKII.

I wouldnā€˜t have bought it without a cover, there are too many cats in this house.:grimacing:

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Hi znai,
The cover for our MG-1 cost ā‚¬70, with only one zero.

At the time, Touraj had just announced the new Vertere cover for the MG-1, SG-1 and RG-1. It looked and was far too tall for the MG-1 and was priced at a faintly ridiculous Ā£700, with two zeros.

Check out www dot sora-shop dot com. Each lid is tailor made to the dimensions that you request, so I specified the width, height and depth, then decided to add in the handle cut-outs on the sides and the rear cut-outs for the motor and phono cables.

The obligatory photo:

Best regards, BF


Just found some more photos from a few years ago when it was new:

Gratuitous, I know. Apologies, BF :grin:


Fab thank you. Iā€™ll let you know what I get :slight_smile:

All I can say is wow. This little fella sounds simply wonderful. It weighs virtually nothing without the platter yet somehow feels incredibly sold, and is so beautifully made. Itā€™s the deck I wanted when swapping from the Planar 1 plus, but got the 6 instead because it fitted on the same wall bracket and I didnā€™t want to re-drill the wall. But now the deck lives on the Fraim the 8 finally became possible. And here it is.


Lovely pic. Can you tell us which other decks you considered and why this one was chosen? I had decided on the same and will probably go for it, but I am still stuck on the looks of the foam construction althought SQ is reviewed as being one of the best for the cost. I also like the simplicity of its construction.
I prefer the look of the Michell Gyro with its slightly steam punk look, thereā€™s just something solid about it, but then itā€™s an old design and possibly uneccessarily complicated.

Iā€™m sorry to say that I didnā€™t consider any other decks. I like the simplicity of the Rega decks and the reviews and feedback I read were universally positive. It looks a bit like a toy but is just lovely. For the sound you get itā€™s an absolute bargain. Iā€™ve put a Rega tungsten counterweight on it, which I think looks much nicer than the big shiny steel standard one and goes well with the overall smallness.


Thanks. Looks neat indeed.

Have to agree HHā€¦ I went for a Bronze with a 2mm shim.


I always get mildly excited when this thread actually shows us a turntable!


As a recent Gyro SE owner, the turntable looks great - with or without records spinning on it and it looks far more complicated than it is. Feet are adjustable to get it level, the spring towers are adjustable if you want to mess around getting it even more level than level. If you get one from a dealer, Iā€™m sure they will set it up from scratch. Love mine.

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Very nice indeedā€¦ Iā€™m saving my pennies for one myself.

Yep, 50/50 at the moment. Iā€™ve never been so indecisive and would really like to see/hear them both. Itā€™s just not going to be possible for some time it seems.