Show us your turntable

Out of curiosity what turntable (if any) did you have before the Gyrodec? How does it compare sound wise?

The reason the Gyro has an ā€˜oldā€™ design is because it works. :grinning: Back in the 1980ā€™s I had an LP12, Ittok, Troika, which was brilliant. A friend had a Gyro with an SME series V arm and a Koetsu. Both machines sounded great, but his always looked better. Listen to them both if you can, I love the looks of the Michell, but Iā€™m sure the Rega sounds good too. There are too many of both of these machines sold for them to be a poor product.

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Before I bought my Gyro SE 3 years ago I trialled it against the older Rega RP8.
Same arm and cartridge. No contest.
The newer P8 may change that. Plus a lot of P8s now come as a package with the RB880 and Regas own cartridge.

But yes, the Gyro SE is a well proven design. Actually very simple.

Iā€™m asking because when funds allow the Gyrodec is on the shortlist for a turntable upgrade. I have a Syncro just now so the idea of using the RB808 and Dynavector 20X2L from the Syncro on a Gyrodec is appealing

Got a very good deal, otherwise i would have hesitated spending that much money.

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Iā€™ve always been intrigued by the Gyro SE, with its spinning brass weights in particular. I imagine it would be hard to fit on a Fraim and then be able to get some sort of lid to cover it. One thing I really like about the 8 is that it looks really nice with no lid, but that the little plastic cover supplied fits on so easily.

Whatā€™s really good is that there are such great decks available for what is not completely ridiculous money. It doesnā€™t matter which is ā€˜bestā€™; everyone can choose which one they like the look and sound of. The Gyro certainly looks more impressive - the steam punk description is most appropriate.


Iā€™ve had that lp in my collection for many years. Itā€™s a great recording, which I think is all the more remarkable given its vintage. Enjoy!

Well it certainly looks the part. There is something quite magical about good vinyl playback - even modern recordings that have been digitally altered and mastered somehow seem to better capture the musical event when passed through the vinyl process.

One thing that really makes me envious looking at these system pics is how lucky most of you are having room layouts where you can sit facing the speakers. That just isnā€™t possible here the way the room is designed so I have to have the speakers each side of the sofa. Thankfully the speakers are PMC twenty5 22 and front ported so they can get really close to the wall without getting all boomy.

The answer is to buy the house to fit the stereo. Weā€™ve only owned three houses but we made sure that speakers could be arranged properly in each.


Strangely enough in my last 2 houses where my speakers would go was high up on my things to check for!

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I moved in with a new partner, not the house I would have chosen! :rofl: That has absolutely been a factor in houses I bought with the ex Mrs elverdiblanco

Apologies for the rushed shot, but Michell make their " unicover". Which they claim can fit many more TTs than their own.


Thanks. I can now see where Rega got their design from! The Rega one has a little leg that fits into the plinth to stop it spinning round, which may be a risk with the Michell.

Iā€™m sure you know there is a good Michell dealer in Maidstone, once we are allowed out and about again.

I wonā€™t be using them after they were most unhelpful when I called them when my MF A1 amp failed to power up, them being a MF dealer. Their loss because the Naim/Linn/Rega/PMC dealer down the road in Ashford were very helpful and got a lot of my business. They can supply Michell as well and I think my turntable upgrade candidates will be Gyrodec/P8 or P10 and LP12 and they supply all of them.

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Now thatā€™s a nice record on the table. I very much like the Contemporary records engineered by Roy DuNann. Usually good music and well recorded, too.
Otherwise I still think you should keep the barstool stands.

Haha. I do know what you mean!
It was that dealership that told me they donā€™t sell much Naim. And tried to sell me an innuos zenith!
Although to be fair getting decent service for MF gear for 15 years has been hard. There is only one place I take my MF amps these days- The NuVista Power amp is currently having an overhaul at such place!
But agree with the other dealership. They have supplied me with a lot of the past 20 years. Always give good service.
Forgot they did Michell ( they didnā€™t used to, it was Linn or Rega only).

Amusing anecdote about the Ashford dealership. The new Curious brewery in Ashford have a restaurant upstairs with a vinyl wall where you can pick up one of the records, take it to the counter and they will play it on the LP12 behind the counter. They were most curious about where the LP12 came from because it wasnā€™t supplied by them even though the shop is literally only a few hundred yards from the brewery. Especially when they say that they are one of the longest established Linn dealers anywhere having supplied Linn continuously since 1973!
Another curious fact: I bought my first proper hifi in 1986 in Glasgow (where I was born and bred) and at that time there wasnā€™t a Linn dealership in Glasgow.

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I will poke Daniel/Sam about that when they next take money off me.
And a Naim dealer from day dot too.