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Benz micro makes high output mc.

As does Dynavector, Hana and others. HOMC cartridges are typically more in the low and mid ranges, but are a great option if you don’t want to spend a lot for a LOMC compatable phonostage.

Some high output Benz cost around 3k, so not cheap.

Really? Which one? (I almost bought a Gullwing SLR in 2019)
But I’d say a $3K HOMC cartridge is more the exception than the rule.

Another great option for those with MM phonostages they like is to use a SUT with a LOMC cartridge. I lnow of people that prefer that approach.

The Ruby H: 2,5 MV. 3300 euros.
A good SUP can be a solution as you say. Ortofon, Ear Yoshino…make one. Difficult to know which solution is the best.

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I’m quite happy with my SuperLine. I also got a custom Z-Foil Airplug for it from Cymbiosis. At the point I need to replace my cartridge I will probably just stay with the same model. I won’t be able to afford an upgrade to the XV-1t in any case.

I too. I like Lyra a lot. Wanted to change 2 years ago and i was disappointed. It was a kiseki blue ns. You can’t try carts at home, so a risky business. I have trusted reviews but I shouldn’t have done that.
Some years ago I had a koetsu black. Nice but not enough dynamic for me.
Van den hull , not bad.

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I can try a cart at home if my dealer has it. After 25+ years they trust me with everything, including tonearms and cartridges, but they have limited choices. Clearaudio, Hana, Dynavector are their primary brands.

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Winter sun reflecting off the snow.



I celebrate one year with the Dr. Feickert Woodpecker today! Tonearm is a Abis SA-1.2, and the cartridge is a Hana ML. It all feeds into a Superline.


It reminds me the Dynavector arm. Very nice deck/ arm combo! :+1:

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Very nice indeed

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Holy mother of…that is beautiful!

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Oh, I do like the look of that!

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Thanks, yes I find the Dr Feickert turntables really beautiful and last year I simply pulled the trigger on a second hand offer, rather than to spend another year to look at them :slight_smile: It does of course sound very nice as well! Playing vinyl on this is a treat every day.

Yes, I thought so to. It’s something the little brother to the Dynavector… I also like that it have the looks of an industrial robot arm!

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Oh wow. :star_struck:
What a stunning turntable …

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Nice looking deck :+1: