Show us your turntable

No point resisting!
I went P3 → P8 and it’s wonderful.

Mine must be a Rega Laa-Laa then?

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Get thee behind me Satan :joy:

I do love the look of the P8 though :man_facepalming:

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If you can, you should. The 8 is hugely better than the 6 and therefore even more hugely better than the 3. And with a Tubbymat what’s not to like.


Hey Steve, what do the zens do? Currently considering them and having owned Cyrus isoplats through to Townshend seismic sinks just interested in how they contribute ?

Love the look of you DPS3 only wish I could listen to one. Always fancied hearing one with a Naim Aro.

I bought a zen for my P8 to sit on and was quite underwhelmed. It seemed to remove the “bounce” from the sound. I was going to return it but I thought I would try it under my ND5XS2, where it has remained.

Before actually Seeing a P8 in the flesh I didn’t like it but think it’s a nice looking turntable. Once I had a listen it’s wow. Would like to hear a P10.

Hi @Adam1, They are quite weighty and well made units with great isolation. These will kill any vibration on the turntable and the electronics, I’m not going to say WOW everything is now fantastic the system already sounded fantastic but it is an incremental step to better sound quality from an already fine turntable and Phono Stage. Slightly tighter base and a more open and airy sound with rock solid soundstage and imaging…

Michell Transcriptor Hydraulic Reference Turntable with Shure M97 (yeah, I know) and Creed OBH15.


Do you have the Rega elysys cartridge?

Think I used to, but the current one is exact. It’s the £260 one.

Cheers Steve, food for thought for sure, James @ TomTom did speak well of them when I bought the second TT.

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Just hooked up my Rega RP10 & Apheta 2 with Avid Pulsus phono stage. Adding a Naim Powerline to the Pulsus power supply made a big improvement. I’m amazed at the SQ and level of detail I’m hearing from the RP10 :slightly_smiling_face:


Looks nice. Is it just me, or is the speaker close to tipping off to the right?

I think it’s just the angle of the speaker in the pic. It’s actually slightly toed-in!

It looks like it’s going to fall to me! Unless I see it in person I will worry about that now😁

Think it might be an illusion due to the curtain reflecting on the side of the speaker,or at least I hope it is !:crossed_fingers:

@PSAN @billywindsock @Lorro1

Here you go, to put your mind at rest :grin:


Beautiful table and system bongoman, congratulations. Wonderful music is awaiting, enjoy!
