Show us your turntable

Just rotated my Thorens TD 124 II into the main system, after fitting my Dynavector XX2 Mk2 in its SME M 2-9 tonearm.
Sounds as good as it looks again this year!


I always kind of knew this was coming, but indeed, I have been told one of the two will have to go :frowning:

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Perhaps a deck that can take two arms?


Neither of these can. Perhaps an excuse to get a third (with the promise of “eventually” getting rid of two)

An inspiring prospect to replace my ageing Rega P3!! I assume the Fyne 502SPs work well with it…?

Thank you. Honestly, the record player sounds amazing. I can’t offer a comparison to any other deck at this level as I didn’t listen to any others. It’s not easy to A-B audition options in NZ so a lot relies on the dealer relationship and vendor content. These two things gave me the confidence to audition the DG-1 only against a Rega P8 (probably a touch unfair but no P10 available) and then to audition the MG-1 only against the DG-1. I bought the MG-1 because I like the dealer, I like how Vertere presents their products and because it sounds terrific.

I’m hoping to move the amplifier up to something like a 282/200.

I’m very happy with the speakers. Our house is open plan with the speakers at one end and a pitched ceiling 3.5m high at the peak, which the speakers benefit from. In a smaller room I’d expect something else would be better, maybe Tower or the F501SPs, etc.


No picture because I don’t have one, then not sure if a new thread was warranted.
Rega have updated their website and there is now a page and pictures of the Naiaid turntable and arm.
Hurry though, there are only 30 left.

Recently upgraded from an RP6 / Ortofon QBlue MC / Lehmann to P8 Apheta 3 with Aria. The ISO Acoustic platforms are a great addition also.


One more P8. Great VFM.


Crumbs, they are popping up everywhere. Rega must be working overtime to make them all. As you say, the sound you get is incredible for the price. Have you thought about a jolly coloured mat? It stops the deck looking quite so sombre.

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Yes, the P8 seems to be very popular. Maybe I try a colored mat later, your red one looks very nice.

The Apheta 3 is also great. Where does all the dust come from? :wink:


Try a Rega yellow to jazz things up!


Very nice. I fancy a blue one.

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Sort of matches the Exact MM cartridge.

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Whilst these coloured Rega mats are " only" £20, one thing to watch.
My local Rega/naim/ other brands too, told me they’d had a batch where the punched hole was not, and not even close, to being in the center.
I think Rega did used to do, yellow, blue, red, and I think purple?

I have a purple one


And some purple vinyl to match :grinning:


Just like Tinky Winky.

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Am currently fighting the urge of upgrading the RP3 to a P8 and migrating ‘Tinky Winky’