Show us your turntable

Here’s my Kuzma Stabi XL DC turntable w/ Kuzma 14" 4 Point arm and a Koetzu Rosewood Signature Platinum cartridge. The sound is magnificent (and all the other superlatives of which one may think).

It is currently supported by Complete Naim 500 Series rig, including 500DR, 552DR, Superline phono stage w/SupercapDR.


Looks like an idler…

Edited… I see somebody else has already pointed it out.

That PR99(?) is a beauty!:sunglasses:

That is one of the most awesome systems I’ve ever seen. Nice.

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What is the purpose of the meter in front of the tone arm?

Is your Revox modified for ‘The Tape Project’?

So, the Revox is a PR99 MKll (I have a MKlll in my second system). It a brand new custom refurbishment form Switzerland. All new caps and resistors as well as new heads. It is not modified for the Tape Project (not sure what that is).

The meter on the TT is really a gauge to adjust and measure the vertical tracking of the tone arm. Depending on whether the LP is a standard 120 gram or an audiophile 180 or 200 gram requires the rear of the arm to be lifted or lowered in order to maintain its parallel relationship to the disc. There is gear on the base of the tonearm stand, the turning of which accomplishes the adjustment. The gauge measures in millimeters.

I’m in the metro NYC area (Long Island) in the event that anyone would like to come over for a listen and a dram!



When I think of heaven, this image will come to mind.


It’s one of them. :laughing:

The question I have here is whether the spatula is about to be used in some cunning way to set up the Sondek…


…or is this what happens, when the ladies of the house find out that you’ve been playing with that LP 12 again?! :thinking::rofl: Best Peter


Hi Mitch stop slumming it and get yourself a statement system :blush::blush:
(March will soon be here!!)


And a nice system layout problem. :grin: You’re going to have to lose one stack if it’s to stay between the speakers.

… more so the latter …:joy::joy::joy:
Actually they mostly enjoy my music and I am punished only very rarely -setting up the deck- on the kitchen table :wink:


Surely it’s the Masterchef omelette maker?

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Incredible system.

The collection of whiskies looks very interesting…

What are those speakers. I have never seen something like that.

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Thank you! The scotch collection numbers around 250 varieties with over 90% of them single malts.

The speakers are a custom made pair of Grandinote Mach 36’s. They are currently the only pair in the world! Each box contains 36 drivers and 25 tweeters. They are 105db so they are extremely efficient. They are truly amazing.


Congratulations for the whiskies… And the speakers!

Living in France, I am more into wines and Armagnacs.

Cheers :tumbler_glass:

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I enjoy a good Armagnac myself, on occasion, though I do not know very much about them. Anyway, an excellent libation certainly enhances the music!

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