Show us your turntable

Mitch, you live in NY, correct? I heard about your system, I believe.

I live on Long Island, Massapequa, to be specific. You heard about my system??

I work in the industry and heard about a superlative Naim-Grandinote system in NY. I bet that it is yours!

Could NY be North Yorkshire?

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Tell me more…


Of course! What else could it possibly be??!! LOL

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Where do you work? From who did you hear about my system? You’re being a bit mysterious…

I didn’t mean to be mysterious! Duty called and I left the site.
I work for Focal-Naim America. You and I know some of the same people. A system like yours is pretty unique, so I recalled hearing from colleagues about a fellow in NY who had a cool Naim system with Grandinote.
This is a small industry of enthusiastic people, so you can imagine we have unusual water fountain stories… :slight_smile:
Sorry that I outed you! That wasn’t my intention.

Not a problem. I wasn’t trying to be elusive. You have the right guy. I have a 500DR, 552DR, CD555 with 2 555PSDR, Kuzma Stabi XL DC TT w/ Kuzma 14" 4 Point arm, Koetzu Rosewood Signature Platinum cartridge, Superline w/ SupercapDR, Revox PR99 MKll R2R, full Fraim, and Grandinote Mach 36 speakers. All cables are Luna Noire (black). I have already made arrangements to replace my 500 and 552 with the Statement, which I should receive sometime in March from UK.

Who are the people we know in common?

BTW, I’ve been trying to contact Focal-Naim America for weeks regarding my CD555 which was sent there nearly 4 months ago for repair/replacement of the lid motor/gear assembly. It was sent from your place to Naim UK because the techs were not able to get to work properly. That was in early November. I was told by Dylan Dacres that it was fixed and being tested and was to be returned to you sometime in January. I have heard nothing since. If you could look into it for me and get back to me I would very much appreciate it. Thank you, in advance for your help.

Once Covid is over I bet you could sell tickets to people to hear your system. :slight_smile:

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Mitch, I’ve removed the contact details from your post. It’s not safe to post them in a publicly viewable forum.

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I don’t have a problem with my contact info out there.

It’s forum policy to remove it. I have messaged you.



Good idea! How much are you willing to pay? I need to replenish my bank account. :thinking: :thinking:

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:sunglasses: Next time I’m in the NY area instead of an overpriced city tour I’ll donate $100 to you toward your Statement system. Amazing system you have there and collection of Scotch.

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I look forward to sharing the tunes and the drams with you, no charge, of course.



Amazing set up - and the same Sony BluRay player as me :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


Pretty funny…hundreds of thousands of dollars’ worth of equipment with a $250{?) Sony DVD!


:grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:. I think I paid £500 for mine (with a free BluRay too).

Resides now in my Olive system. Using it right now