
I don’t think a video can convey how difficult: I think a video could make a run seem easier than it is, equally could make it seem more difficult. And it is certainly normal for a run to be rated based on its most difficult/challenging section, however short.

Otherwise, gradings can vary from country to country: I’ve never been to America, but I have been told by a couple of people who have skied in USA that the gradings there are higher than typical in the Alps (i.e. a typical red in the Alps would be graded black in USA).

True, but that’s for the simple reason that the US doesn’t have such a thing as a red run! Instead, you have single black diamond or double black diamond: single is basically a European red, double is a European black.

Once you make that very minor mental adjustment, US and European classifications are basically the same.


Speed skiing is not the fastest non motorised sport.

Speed sky diving is faster.

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Where I am, that run in the video would be considered a blue run, at most. No moguls = no black (diamond).

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I’ve seen a few moguls worldcups up close and that’s such insane stuff, those guys/gals are really amazing to watch!

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