SN3 DIN cable & Speakers

What do you mean they are individually shielded. I took the din plugs off again to see and it is very difficult to see how the screen is laid out. However I have a hard time understanding how they could be individually shielded. It’s has got 2 leads and a braided copper shield over them then all of this has been molded in an outer layer made of some kind of rubber. Are you sure they are individually shielded?

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It depends on your criteria. I agree with your statement:

If it sounds better to you in your system then it is better to you.

It may not be conventional or even make any sense, technical or otherwise. Such things happen and I find these situations fascinating and intriguing. Ususally they are isolated in the sense that they apply to a specific situation/system/person. Don’t ask me how/why because it’s inexplicable. But it happens.

However to attempt to extrapolate these sorts of experiences to general wider application as being vaid everywhere doesn’t work.

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If one cannot hear a difference between cables in a system :point_down:

  1. Clogged ears
  2. Old ears with limited bandwidth
  3. Not good enough high resolution system
  4. Not enough money to invest in the level required to make a change so you distort reality to fit your wallet
  5. You’re an engineer that cannot understand why it should make a difference and therefore rely on your knowhow instead of a real listening experience. Your knowhow is always bullet proof.
  6. A random guy with a helmet and a probe say the measurements are not showing an improvement, therefor there isn’t
  7. You prefer spending money on popcorn more than cables
  8. All or some of the above
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Only if you are setting up a home cinema system. Subs really don’t work staisfacorily in a music system. They are impossible to integrate properly with a pair of stereo speakers. No surprise really. How can one hope to tack something on to a pair of well designed speakers, something that usually wasn’t even designed by the same person/company, and expect good results?

Small speakers + sub doesn’t equate to large speakers. It is small speakers with additional bass. Which sounds completely different.

But to be fair, some people seem to like that.

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You forgot #9., the only one btw that doesn’t make the listener guilty:

  • You can but you don’t care.


Yes. This happens quite a lot here. The total lack of logic and rationality of it always seems to completely escape the people who adopt this stance.

They frequently attempt to bolster their point of view by referencing ‘science’, whilst completely failing to realise that the stance they have adopted is about as far removed from a scientific approach as it’s possible to get. It’s ironic to the point of absurdity.


Yes they are individually shielded, here is a stripped-down lead so you can see the construction.

Don’t worry, this wasn’t a sacrifice - its destined to be terminated with 3.5mm plugs with heatshrink over the cores.

Now over the years I’ve seen many combinations of core colours used for the two channels, yellow and blue in older leads, red and white in new ones but also blue and white or red and blue!

I’m sure along with the directionality that is determined by listening tests, additional samples must be made up using each permutation of cores to determine the best ones for a particular run of cable when Naim HQ are assembling interconnects.


Thank you! I only have 2 leads in my Lavender. It will be interesting to hear my Neotech Nemoi 1220 as Din-Din when that cable is ready. It doesn’t have shielded cables and is not intended to use as a single cable for both channels but worth testing.

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I use a Chord Mojo 2 and Poly as main source into my SN3. I’ve always used a 3.5mm to RCA because I didn’t believe the hype about DIN. Its cost was £130. Curiosity got the better of me recently and I bought a 3.5mm to DIN cable (£100) I could return for a refund if it turned out to be a pointless exercise. Had intended to spend a few hours flipping between the two to compare. Long story short, the RCA cable was quickly left to one side. The DIN cable never made it back to the shop. My hearing is pukka. Just my two pence.


Similar story here, I used a pair of not inexpensive Audioquest RCA cables to connect my Rega Aria phono stage to the SN3. Replaced them with a Naim RCA->DIN and the difference was very noticeable, in a good way :slight_smile: The Naim cable cost less than the RCA cables it replaced.

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Indeed many real engineers will keep an open mind and observe (or in this case listen) and then look to understand… and sometimes cause and effect can be quite non straightforward, obscure or indirect… which is often the nature of real world.

I think some look at simplified product marketing or layman views of the world, and perhaps don’t realise that they are often super-simplified abstractions of reality and then try and go into self justification mode using these simplifications…


Very well said and absolutely true.


Subs CAN be properly integrated into a 2 channel system, it just takes a lot more work to do it (and placing the sub in the corner of a room or by the main speakers isn’t the answer).

I use a sub that is both time aligned AND amplitude aligned with the main speakers. I’ve had anti-sub people believe that I was cheating and not running the sub when they heard the system… until I actually did turn the sub off and then back on again. Then they said it must be something special about my listening room! Well, yes it is… it’s that I’ve positioned the sub to accurately time align the sound.


As with many other interfaces din/non-din is a question of the cable available. Cable level is always more important compared to the interface (at least I haven’t encountered an exception yet).

Time (and phase) alignment is 100% an underrated aspect of bass system integration.

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Does anyone know what became of Din speaker connections?
Very popular in the seventies. Little circular terminal alongside a rectangular one.
A pain to solder, but once set up, no phase errors.
I’m fairly new to Naim, did they ever use them? If they did, why the move to banana?