SN3 - mains input fault

3 weeks in and my brand new SN3 has developed an issue with the mains input. If I hold the cable in place in the correct orientation there is power to the unit. If I let go of the cable then the weight of gravity leads to the cable settling and power is lost. There appears to be a loose connection internally.
I am awaiting for my dealer to return my call but in the meantime thought I would tap into the wisdom of the forum. Anyone experienced this? Any ideas what’s going on?

Not wishing to sound silly here: you have pushed it right in haven’t you? Is it a PowerLine or the standard cable?

Are you using a Powerline?

It powerline lite. Yes it is fully plugged in. Been working without fault for 3 weeks. I think the weight of the cable pulling down on the SN mains socket has led to some internal disconnect.

As it’s the standard cable it’s very easy to fit. If it’s fully pushed in and you are losing power, it’s something for your dealer to resolve. Fingers crossed that it can be fixed easily for you; it’s most frustrating when these things happen.

Thanks, yes isn’t it just!

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I wonder whether it’s some flashing or something within the moulded IEC. I think that much more likely than the IEC wiring inside the SN. Perhaps try a different lead?

Bingo! Thanks Richard that does seems to have solved it. A new powerline lite required then?

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Sounds like it. Best speak with your dealer and let them know the problem.

Wow, what a fantastic result!

Yes indeed! Dealer has new powerline lite in stock so I’ll pick it up tomorrow and hopefully all will be good :crossed_fingers:

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