SN3/NDX2 and rega P10, potential RIAA?

So my dealer (hifi) has managed to get be a ex display Rega P10 with a Apheta cartridge, with 40% taken off.

Now im all of a sudden immersed in the world of RIAA. I thought the SN3 could do this but not for moving coil. As such need to get one.

So the question is which one to get? I heard the Naim one isn’t that good.

Suggestions please!

Depending on budget…

Rega Aria, pre-loved or ex demo’
Rega Aria, new.
Rega Aura, pre-loved or ex-demo’
Rega Aura, new.

At its price point, think the Aria is pretty good and hard to beat.
If you can stretch the budget, the Aura is a superb.
The P10 and Alpheta, (or Alphelion), will get the best from it.
There are lots of options. However, for a Rega cartridge, think the Rega phono products are suited best.
Good luck.

Hope that helps?


I have the Aria with my P10 and Apheta and its excellent

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Your deck deserve the very best phonostage which might be a Rega Aura.
The previous Rega IOS - forerunner for Aura - was very good too, definitely much better than Aria.
Otherwise get a step-up trafo, then you can use the SN3 stage.

The latest Rega Aria would be perfect, and is a visual match for the P10’s power supply.


The Superline is superb - one of the best without spending more than the cost of the whole system. Best of all, you can start by powering it from the powered AUX socket on the SN3 and then upgrade from there with a dedicated power supply as and when you’re ready.

I use a Superline with my own RP10 and Apheta2 and they work brilliantly together.


Maybe you are referring to a stageline. Like @Richard.Dane said the superline is incredible. Even more so with the supercap on it!. I asked my dealer a little while back about an upgrade to it and he said I’d have to spend 3 times more to achieve the same sound.


I have the Aria too with my P10. P10 graduated from my SN3 system to my now 552/500 system, but have kept the P10/Aria. Might get upgraditis on it yet, but it sounds fabulous still.


Really…? And you believe whoever told you that…?

I am sure the Rega options are good, but don’t dismiss the Naim Stageline.


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I’ll third that , the superline is absolutely fantastic

I started using it with the aux input on my SN3, then moved onto a hicapdr and finally with the supercapDR

A fantastic combination I must say


While the Superline is excellent, Stagelines are very good for the money. I used Stageline N with MM cartridge and Stageline S when I moved to Hana MC. Both performed well with Nac 52/SC DR.


You have asked for views, so here is mine.
One of the biggest improvements i made to my vinyl system in the phono stage.
Yes, im sure the naim superline with a supercap would sound fantastic. But, let’s assume you have a more modest budget.
I use a Cyrus phono signature. Then later ( ok, a week later) added a power supply. Its a very configurable stage and changes can be done via the remote so you can hear i direct comparison. It ought to be on your list to try at least.


Wholeheartedly agree with the Cyrus + PSX2 a superb phono stage. I was completely happy with mine when I had it for a couple of years. I happened to stumble across someone selling a PS Audio Stellar phono (at an excellent price) which I tried and that replaced the Cyrus. I would be very happy with either.

Others to consider on a more modest budget (compared to SL + SC) would be the Vertere 1 phono and Trilogy 906 phono. Neither seen on the second hand market often but when they don they are well below the £1k bracket.

Depends how much you want to spend, but, I can confirm that your TT/arm/cartridge is easily good enough to make a top notch phono stage worthwhile. I used an Aura, this seemed to be a match made in heaven.


Try Graham Slee and for a left field solution why not a Graham Slee Elevator ?

That upgrades the MC to MM and you can use the SN3’s MM input.
Screenshot 2023-11-18 at 17.13.20


I think the Stageline is based on the Phono Boards that Naim previously used, inside the various NAC’s and/or the Prefix.

I have used almost every variety of 3 series and 5 series Naim Phono boards, over the years and never felt they were lacking. Currently using 523 E’s in my 82, with a DV10X.

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I use an Aria with my SN3 / P8 / Apheta 3 and it sounds great.

The GoldNote PH range also come highly recommended and have EQ settings for RIAA.

Agree for the MC Stagelines. There’s a huge jump in price from the Stageline to the Superline!


Do you have any guide for a budget on this project ?

Based upon my experience of once hearing a Rega RP8 and Apheta with a Rega Ios phonotstage (forerunner to the Aura), I would say Aura if you want new, or a used Ios if not bothered, or money is tighter.

Records are going to be blisteringly good whichever you choose :slight_smile: