SN3 pre+Hi CapDr+NDX2+NPX 300 vs NSC 222+NPX 300

What you guys think will give the upgrade and good SQ when compared, My present system is in my profile, I do not have any option to do the comparison at home as there is no naim dealer in my country. What you guys suggest should be the next upgrade?

Swap supernait for 282.


How compares XPS DR vs NPX 300 on Ndx2. First time I see that combo.
I would join @robert_h . All you need now is a good pre, like 282 or 252.
No way a 222/250 would beat an Ndx2/ 300 NPX/ 282/ Hicap dr/ 250 dr.


Iā€™d go for a 333 and 332, even if it means saving for longer. With a mix of NC and OC it makes sense to go to all NC.


I prefer the 222/250 over ND5XS2/nDAC/282/Hicap DR/250DR. That was after many months with both setups in my home. This is counter to what I expected to happen. I havenā€™t regretted my decision to sell off the old gear one bit.

The 222/250 deserves more respect than it receives here on this forum. Times have changed and Naim is giving you more for your money with the new designs versus the aged designs that were available just a few years ago.


Vs Nd5xs2 I understand you can prefer 222/250. But an Ndx2 / 300 NPX is something different.
And itā€™s no about respect, but preferences first.
I should have finished my post by IMO, but all posts are only humble opinions.


Itā€™s ND5XS2/nDAC ā€¦ which would be as good as the NDX2

I also prefer the NSC222 over the NDX2, quite easily

But I see NDX2 s/h prices starting to drop to about Ā£3k now, so itā€™s becoming good vfm


Iā€™ve had both the NDX2/XPSDR/282/SCDR/250DR and the NSC222/NPX300/NC250. Is the NC system better in the typical ā€œhi-fiā€ sense? Probably not.

To my ears It does, however, beat it in terms of engagement and emotional connection to the music.

Iā€™m still trying to come to terms with how and why it does this as it makes no sense to me.

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You didnā€™t wrote which source you had on 282/Supercap dr/ 250 dr, as you wrote twice 282ā€¦.
Was it bare Nd5xs2 or Ndx2/ Xpsdr?

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Appreciate the heads up. It was the NDX2/XPSDR. I will edit it!

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Ok, i donā€™t deny your preference. But itā€™s not my case, for me the 222/300/250 is more hifi than musical as Ndx2/ XPs dr / 282/hicap/250 dr.
The same for 300 series. I listened during 2 hours a full 300 series with 2 X 300 ps. Something was lacking vs Nds/555dr/ 252/250 dr. Less sensation of drive and organic sound.

We all hear differently.

Yes we do. And the New Classics and Classics are definitely different beasts. The best thing to do is to try at home in your own set up.

I wasnā€™t a huge fan of the 222 at the dealers (hence the initial 332 Purchase) but when I had it a few days at home it was a different experience.

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Such a shame you canā€™t demo at home as it will come down to your taste, speaker and room match.
Also, depends on your aspirations/addiction to acquiring new hifi!
You already have a NC 300 and 250 ā€“ the designed matching Naim component is the 222 which would take out 2.5 of your existing black boxes and would give you great system automation if that floats your boat.
I have ProAc speaker too and FWIW think itā€™s a great combination with 222/300/250.
Good luck.


I had the NC 250 during one month. I recognise itā€™s better vs the 250 dr , but i prefer the voicing of the 250 dr . In my system the 250 dr was a bit softer and fuller.
The best would be to have the speed and bass tightness of the 250 NC and the voicing of the 250 dr.
But as you know I think, I have now the Ear 534. Another story. Since yesterday it opened and the bass is tight now, but also richer vs the 250 NC. Wow moments. I am discovering some albums now.

For your suggestion, you are right, the best is to try the components at home. But itā€™s impossible here. UK people are lucky.


quote=ā€œfrenchrooster, post:14, topic:34159ā€]
In my system the 250 dr was a bit softer and fuller.
The best would be to have the speed and bass tightness of the 250 NC and the voicing of the 250 dr.

Agree and my impressions too. After some more months though the 250NC (or could be as a combo with 222) is becoming more mellow and richer of sorts. I like that and may be I donā€™t if it continues to go further in this direction, and if this goes too far I might need the Nait 50 or even a Nait 2 to come to the rescue lol!:slight_smile:


Thanks for sharing your experience. Iā€™m personally interested in this upgrade path. I just want my Proacs to be happy lol.

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How long have you had the NC250? Mine didnā€™t change much after 4 months. It does fill out and and sound warmer as it breaks in

Iā€™m learning the NSC222 isnā€™t broken in yet as the sounds been changing. Itā€™s sounding thicker and middy today.

It was an open box so now Idea how many hours were on it as it was had all the plastic on it.

Mine is about a year old now and I added the 250 some 5-6 months later. The sound overall has been ā€œmaturingā€ a bit with time and I have not changed much anything apart from upgrading the XLR interconnects.
I am very happy as it is right now!

Hey Marcus(man),
Yep, still enjoying the Response ProAcs which certainly work well with 200 series ā€“ deliver more clarity, frequency range and dynamics compared to my previous XS gear. My opinion only but think 300 series would be overkill but have not tried just my feeling.
I think youā€™d need an extended home demo to fully know if it was ā€œan upgradeā€ and was worth it, similar to what Smoothfidelity mentions above.
There is no one truth with hifi, just buy what you like ā€“ my last two purchases (network switch and power conditioner) are controversial ā€˜round these parts but really work for my use case.
Itā€™s a crazy hobby!

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Yes, crazy hobby for sure. (shh, I donā€™t think network switches are controversial :slight_smile: )

I did see @Smoothfidelity response above and Iā€™m with @frenchrooster being a little surprised to be honest, but Iā€™m very curious about it at the same time. Iā€™m still holding out hope that theyā€™ll be a 200 series preamp only (doubtful I know). Iā€™ve heard the 200 series at my local dealer and I think they messed it up by pairing some speakers that were too much for the room. Yes I owe it to myself for a better demo.

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